Rachel H. reviewed Inside My Heart: Choosing to Live with Passion and Purpose on + 317 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 6
Robin McGraw, wife of Dr. Phil, tells the story of her life growing up, her marriage to Phillip, her children. A very positive book with lots of good suggestions for making one's life better.

Helpful Score: 6
EXCELLENT BOOK! I would highly recommend it. It can either reinforce what you're already doing or encourage you to get on the right track. It is also just a delightful look into Robin McGraw's heart, just like the title says! From the back "I am on a mission to get you excited about your life, excited about being a woman in this day and time. My goal is to help you see your life as I see mine: A vast array of choices that can bring you closer to the person you long to be. Your life is waiting for you to claim it. It's all in the choosing."
Gina T. (PiscesGMT) reviewed Inside My Heart: Choosing to Live with Passion and Purpose on + 39 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 6
I thought this book was truly inspiring. By being able to see the choices Robin made and why she made them, she has inspired me to make the right choices for myself from now on.
Jenelle P. (BooBoo266) reviewed Inside My Heart: Choosing to Live with Passion and Purpose on + 115 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 5
I really enjoyed Robin's book. It is a very fast read, but very nicely written. Learned a lot of things about Dr. Phil that I didn't know!
Amy S. (Moatsie) reviewed Inside My Heart: Choosing to Live with Passion and Purpose on + 21 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 5
Super easy read. She is a very real person and loves her husband. Written on a third grade reading level.
Barbara M. S. (SWEETIE) reviewed Inside My Heart: Choosing to Live with Passion and Purpose on + 180 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 5
Robin McGraw writes a very thoughtful book on women's insecurities. She shows alot of insight into all the minds of women who feel they have no power, no ability to take hold of their own lives. She is a strong woman who has a good marriage and family. She knows herself and encourages others to stand up for their beliefs.
Christine C. (redstamper) reviewed Inside My Heart: Choosing to Live with Passion and Purpose on + 7 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 3
Good book. She speaks alot of common sense.

Helpful Score: 3
I found this book very inspiring. My life and beliefs are very similar to Robins. This book has opened my eyes.
Helpful Score: 3
This book was endearing. It really made me think about relationships and my place & value as a woman on this earth. I'd definitely recommend it!
Nancy S T. (NSTodd303) reviewed Inside My Heart: Choosing to Live with Passion and Purpose on + 11 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 3
Dr Phil's wife, how she empowered herself to be her own woman, and how she writes so other women makeover their own legacy as well.

Helpful Score: 3
I enjoyed Robin's book very much. It was very inspiring to me -- to read about her hardships growing up and her confident and secure life now. It was a quick but very interesting read!
Amy B. (pureprarieleague) reviewed Inside My Heart: Choosing to Live with Passion and Purpose on + 78 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 3
Really great book, I always had ideas about how blessed her life had probably been, but she has had struggles just like the rest of us. The difference is she made good choices that brought her to where she is today. I really enjoyed hearing her story in her words.
Mary Lou F. (Lou) reviewed Inside My Heart: Choosing to Live with Passion and Purpose on + 63 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 2
Good book
Tracee P. reviewed Inside My Heart: Choosing to Live with Passion and Purpose on + 4 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 2
Great book, easy to read. Read this in one night!
BARBARA D. (TINKER) reviewed Inside My Heart: Choosing to Live with Passion and Purpose on + 354 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 2
a good read,i just finished this today,was interesting.

Helpful Score: 1
What an awsome book..Could not put it down.I think all adults should read this book before they have kids,or get married, to help them know how important family is and marriage is and not to just give up on things work at it.

Helpful Score: 1
This turned out to be a very enjoyable book. I found myself identifying with so much that Robin McGraw had experienced. I came away feeling that she is a very genuine and "real" person. I was inspired to trust my "gut" more often and stand up for my family as their mother and protector. I would definitely recommend the book, especially mothers.
Jennifer B. (jenburch) reviewed Inside My Heart: Choosing to Live with Passion and Purpose on + 3 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
So inspiring! I love Dr. Phil and his wife shows just how it is by the life they live, how they have struggled at times and how you can survive tough times!
Helpful Score: 1
I'll read just about any memoir to find out how other people "tick", and when I came across this book, I was expecting to find just another "stand by your man", good 'ol girl story. And while I did find Ms. McGraw to be completely and absolutely devoted to "her man", she also appears charming and genuinely likable here. While the book is full of anecdotes about who else?....Dr. Phil! (every other story is about the sainted dr. and his impact on Robin's life and her great love for him), she tells a heartfelt story of her life up to their first couple of years in LA after the start of his talkshow. As large a role as he plays in her life, she reveals so much more in her stories about her mom and her dad and her two boys. This woman has some fortitude. She didn't have it easy at times, but she doesn't come across as woeful or histrionic. It was a quuiiiick read...did it in a couple of hours one evening.

It was fun reading.
Dawn T. reviewed Inside My Heart: Choosing to Live with Passion and Purpose on + 6 more book reviews
Excellent book

Great book shows that even their life was not perfect.
Inspiring. Great read for women
Robin M. (piglover) reviewed Inside My Heart: Choosing to Live with Passion and Purpose on + 30 more book reviews
This was an easy read with practical advice being offered.
Candace K. (candykirkpatrick) reviewed Inside My Heart: Choosing to Live with Passion and Purpose on + 4 more book reviews
Funny, full of wisdom. I get made fun of for laughing out loud when I read, but its unavoidable sometimes :) Robin McGraw is so honest and insightful... love this book!
I couldn't get through this book and honestly felt like the only reason it was published was due to her husband's success. Typically I read these types of books in one sitting. This one I had to put down because the poor writing was so distracting. I'm not writing snob and am not published. But if I can't get through a paragraph because of badly worded sentences, then it's not worth my time. If the story was deep or the author's message was anything but the typical self-help, I would forgive her writing style. But I didn't get anything of value out of this book.

Robin McGraw did an amazing job with her book. She obviously has an amazing love for God and her family. She also encourages women to believe in themselves, and what they can accomplish. I really enjoyed all the personal stories related to her growth throughout her life. I would highly recommend this book. It is easy to read, and enlightening at the same time.

Good book

I can relate.
Rachel B. (travnray) reviewed Inside My Heart: Choosing to Live with Passion and Purpose on + 182 more book reviews
I was just browsing the swap when I ran across this book and read the reviews, (great reviews) and I decided to get it on a whim. I am so glad that I did. I LOVED this book. I read it in two sittings and I want to read more by her. I love her stories, and wisdom as well as her style of writing. I am going to read this one again and again. It just leaves me feeling on top of the world, and blessed and able to do whatever I choose to.