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Topic: Internet Price Changes (amazon and

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Subject: Internet Price Changes (amazon and
Date Posted: 9/8/2013 4:51 PM ET
Member Since: 1/24/2013
Posts: 4,019
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I hope this is in the right place. :) I am have been looking into purchasing the first 7 (I'm not interested in seasons 8 or 9) of the TV show Touched by an Angel. I've just started checking out prices over the last couple weeks. It seems as though every few days both amazon and walmart will fluctuate the cost of the seasons 1-5 Box set. I was wondering if anyone had any insight if this is random or if like airline tickets, prices are lowered on certain days. I have also had the thought of maybe waiting til "Black Friday," just in case. I would appreciate any thoughts. Thank you very much. :)

grendelynn avatar
Date Posted: 9/8/2013 10:07 PM ET
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Camelcamel will keep track of amazon's prices for you. I have no insight on Walmart, but Amazon just changes prices all the time. Patience is a virtue with them, usually. As you get closer to Christmas, though, prices tend to tick up more(like after October). 

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Date Posted: 9/9/2013 10:04 AM ET
Member Since: 1/24/2013
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Thank you Lynn. I have heard of CamelCamel and will check it out. :)

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Date Posted: 9/11/2013 7:07 AM ET
Member Since: 7/31/2006
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not sure but I"ve noticed stuff in my cart or wishlist seems to stay high- I've removed about 5 items then looked them up again a month or so later and all had decreased when they were increasing when they were in my cart.

for dvds keep an eye on and - sometimes they have a good price - not always but I've been pleasantly surprised a couple of times .