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Topic: Irritating PO news

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IlliniAlum83 avatar
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Subject: Irritating PO news
Date Posted: 2/13/2021 4:13 PM ET
Member Since: 4/28/2009
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Did you hear the Postmaster General's annoncement?  He is going to 1) combine local first class mail (currently 1-2 day delivery) with other first class mail (3-5 day delviery) so our local  things will take longer to arrive! 2) going to stop airmail delivery of first class items so all will go by truck......everything will be slowed down and 3)going to increase prices again! --it's been less than a month since last increase!

virgosun avatar
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Date Posted: 2/13/2021 4:48 PM ET
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With any luck, perhaps Biden will replace DeJoy, making these proposed changes moot.

rebeccam avatar
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Date Posted: 2/14/2021 8:24 AM ET
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Biden can't replace DeJoy, the board needs to vote him out. Biden has seats to fill on the board though and I think he could remove the current board members.

starvinArtist avatar
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Date Posted: 2/14/2021 7:06 PM ET
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nandip avatar
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Date Posted: 8/23/2023 10:39 AM ET
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Very Interesting news/articles that I found this morning. all kinds of things about happenings for USPS. 

1st class mail for us is still only twice a week with the truck coming from the sorting station in Houston (85 miles). Amazon has not been able to give our area 2 day delivery because of this with USPS for over a year. It's been in our local news so many times but still no answers from USPS why. We also get notices from USPS tracking that a package/letter has arrived but it stays in a bag, on the loading docks till a truck comes our way, which means, it doesn't matter what the tracking states.  all this info is from our postmistress who is fed up with the constant complaints she gets and nothing she can do but keep investigating why our PO/many other area POs also getting this treatment too, isn't getting more mail delivered daily (which was procedure BC (before covid). 

USPS Is Making These Changes to Your Mail — Best Life (

Generic Profile avatar
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Date Posted: 8/31/2023 9:28 AM ET
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I get mail almost every day.  I'm lucky to have a good postal worker (George) who delivery the mail.  People in the rural areas are not getting good service form the USPS.  

Removing the Postmaster General requires an absolute majority vote of the governors in office.   Unfortunately they have no courage to remove DeJoy.  He needs to be gone!  The U.S. Postal Service Board of Governors has sole authority to hire and fire the postmaster general, the highest position in the organization. Though pressure mounts from citizens and watchdogs to remove DeJoy from his seat at the top of the agency, Biden lacks the power to do so.

nandip avatar
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Date Posted: 8/31/2024 12:04 AM ET
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here in rural TX, Houston is our closest sorting station (95 miles away) for years now we've had slow mail but this year since Jan, it's slowed to a crawl. Even Amazon isn't able to honor 2 day delivery in our area because of our regional USPS services. since Jan; I only get 1st class mail on Tues & Thurs and packages come on Friday's. this topic has been covered by local news so often that no one complains any more because there won't ever be better service coming out of Houston!

******* this was part of our local tv news today;  

more changes coming in 2025; 

Postmaster General Louis DeJoy said the changes to take place next year are necessary to “enable us to operate more efficiently and reliably, grow our business and give us a chance for a viable future” after an80% drop in first-class mail since 1997 and a corresponding growth in packages. All told, the Postal Service has amassed more than $87 billion in losses from2007 through 2020.

Democratic U.S. Rep. Gerry Connolly, a frequent critic of changes under DeJoy, was unimpressed by the proposal.

“Any effort to degrade service while raising prices is a recipe for a death spiral at the Postal Service,” Connolly, a Democrat from Virginia, said in a statement. “This is the second time Postmaster General DeJoy has proposed lower service standards. He might as well announce a return to delivering mail by horse and buggy.”

This proposal aligns with the organization’s mandate to be financially self-sufficient while continuing to deliver to every address across the nation six days a week. If adopted, 75% of first-class mail will see no change from the current service standards, and around two-thirds of mail will be delivered in three or fewer days, the Postal Service said.

nandip avatar
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Date Posted: 2/21/2025 8:37 PM ET
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more news for the USPS and how things might change with the new president who wants to take it over and disband the current postal system. 

US Wall Street news article;

Trump Is Planning to Take Control of the Postal Service - WSJ