Anny P. (wolfnme) reviewed Island Magic: Far From Home / An Estate of Marriage / Then Came You / Enchanted on + 3389 more book reviews
this was a good novel. ms. hailstock's story was the bomb she certainly know's the way to reader's heart. ms.mason story was a very compassionate one especially when it came down to regine and her friends helping their friend alicia in her time of trouble. my favorite story was from mrs.gamble raven and logan story was my absolute favorite thes to really put this book to good aler's story was also wonderful i loved the way she hooked up the senator with a woman who was just as delightful as himself.
Phyllis W. (leegene59) reviewed Island Magic: Far From Home / An Estate of Marriage / Then Came You / Enchanted on + 67 more book reviews
Dissapointed that her two children chose to spend the holidays with their father and his young wife. Erika Williams heads to St. Thomas alone, to drown her sorrows in the caribbean sun. But a handsome senator threatens to intrude upon Erika's solitide-and her heart.
This book has four stories in it. The intro is from 1. Enchanted by Felicia Mason 2. An Estate of Marriage by Shirley Hailstock 3. Then came you by Marcia King-Gamble 4. Far from Home by Rochelle Alers.
This book has four stories in it. The intro is from 1. Enchanted by Felicia Mason 2. An Estate of Marriage by Shirley Hailstock 3. Then came you by Marcia King-Gamble 4. Far from Home by Rochelle Alers.

Wonderful read!