Engrossing story and good page turner. Even though you know early on who the "bad guy" is, you are kept wondering how the heck he would ever be caught. If he ever is!

John Grisham knows how to write about bad people, especially bad lawyers and bad judges. The judge in this book is one bad judge. You can expect your usual cops, lawyers, government employees in here, but I really like Lacy, whose job it is to investigate bad judges. She is brave, but not cocky, smart, but not a smart ass. As usual, Mr. Grisham keeps you reading from beginning to end.

Unlike Whistler #1' which was a great read, but quite a bit slower. Whistler #2 wastes no time getting right into the action, just the way I like it. And unlike the kind of cases Lucy has pretty much come to expect, it's all about murder. Action-packed from the start, all about murder, and with Grisham's amazing story-telling ability, who could ask for anything more? A five-star combo for sure.
good read
One of Grisham's better ones. Story flows, keeps you turning the pages. A judge is a serial killer, killing those that disted him in life, and how he was taken down.