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Topic: Julie Ann Long Desert Isle Keeper

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BrokenWing avatar
Subject: Julie Ann Long Desert Isle Keeper
Date Posted: 6/30/2020 7:00 PM ET
Member Since: 1/11/2007
Posts: 1,698
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I've always loved Julie Ann Long's historical romances & I grab one whenever I find one I haven't read.

I recently picked up "The Legend of Lyon Redmond" which concludes her Pennyroyal Green series & was I ever blown away! I had forgotten how good she is. I think this is the best book she's ever written & it might be my favorite romance of all time. It's most definitely a Desert Isle Keeper. 

if you like a story of star-crossed lovers, whose love endures against all odds, you'll enjoy this. The characters are so well developed & the story so unexpected & riveting, that it keeps me reading well past my bedtime & there's plenty of steam too. The hero, Lyon, is absolutely swoon-worthy. 

If you can get your hands on it, grab it & don't let go. This is one I'll be re-reading again & again. 

Does anyone have other Julie Ann Long favorites?

virgosun avatar
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Date Posted: 7/8/2020 5:26 PM ET
Member Since: 10/17/2007
Posts: 1,713
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Hi Claudia I haven't seen you around in a long while!

The Legend of Lyon Redmond was a great read, right? I do have to say that her new series, Palace of Rogues, is quite entertaining and fresh after the long-winded Pennyroyal saga. With funny characters, fab writing, and unique setting, you might want to check it out.