Action, Adventure, and the world of Disney comming to life. The magical world of Disney mixed with the magic of computers. A group of teens band together and become friends to stop Disney villans from taking over the disney parks at night. A MUST READ for Disney lovers of all ages!
Entertaining and a great perspective of what could be in the world of Disney.
SUSAN S. (susieqmillsacoustics) - , reviewed The Kingdom Keepers (Kingdom Keepers, Bk 1) on + 1062 more book reviews
An exciting concept. It is a good story, but it is aimed at the younger teen level. I did not feel it quite delivered, but I think it would for the age group it is written for.
Shannon M. (confuzzledbooks) reviewed The Kingdom Keepers (Kingdom Keepers, Bk 1) on + 487 more book reviews
This was an excellent book. It takes place in Walt Disney World. A great read if you are planning go then read this before you do. 1st in the series I am eagerly awaiting the second book.
Courtney A. (aggielawyer) - , reviewed The Kingdom Keepers (Kingdom Keepers, Bk 1) on + 22 more book reviews
I've had this book sitting on my shelf for a while, but decided to pick it up since I'm going back to Disney World soon. It was a very easy read, but so much fun. I highly recommend it for fans of Disney World. I can't wait to read the others in the series.
Quick read and fun for Disney enthusiasts.
The main characters are use as models for holographic tour guides at Disney World. They start having unusual dreams of being at the park that really aren't dreams. They have to join together to save the park from the Overtakers, who are led by Maficient, the wicked witch and are intent on destroying the park.
Not a bad story, lot of danger and thrilling action. My students have enjoyed the book. As a teacher/adult, I was okay with it, but it's not a favorite.
Not a bad story, lot of danger and thrilling action. My students have enjoyed the book. As a teacher/adult, I was okay with it, but it's not a favorite.
Jennifer W. (GeniusJen) reviewed The Kingdom Keepers (Kingdom Keepers, Bk 1) on + 5322 more book reviews
Reviewed by Me for
Five young teens living in Florida get the opportunity of a lifetime--they're each going to be turned into a DHI, or a Disney Host Interactive, to guide visitors throughout the park. The five teens--Finn, Charlene, Willa, Philby, and Maybeck--are a varied assortment of ethnicities, and all attend different schools. As Maybeck states, they're "the Orlando assortment pack." When Philby points out that DHI also stands for Daylight Hologram Imaging, the kids get a little worried that maybe the people at Disney aren't telling them everything there is to know. And that turns out to be quite an understatement.
One night when Finn falls asleep, he finds himself in the park after closing-- in his DHI, or hologram, body. He meets an old man named Wayne, one of the original Disney Imagineers, who informs Finn that he and his other four DHI friends have been chosen for a mission. A mission to save the park from the Overtakers, a group of once-benign Park characters who have taken on power and are intent on spreading their power outside of the borders of Disney World.
What at first seems like a fantastical dream soon turns to reality, when the attractions at the Park begin coming to life when the DHIs cross over into the Magic Kingdom while sleeping. They're attacked by animatronic pirates from The Pirates of the Caribbean, the dolls from It's a Small World try to capsize their boat, a dinosaur fossil from the Thunder Mountain ride comes to life and starts chasing them. And then there's Maleficent, the witch from Sleeping Beauty, who appears to be all too real--and determined to stop the kids from solving The Stonecutter's Quill, the fable that Walt Disney passed along to save the Park from the Overtakers.
THE KINGDOM KEEPERS is definitely an imaginative read, full of action, adventure, and suspense. For anyone who has ever visited the Magic Kingdom, you'll recognize the settings immediately. Even if you're not a frequent visitor of Disney World, this is one book that will bring the magic--both good and bad--to very realistic life.
Five young teens living in Florida get the opportunity of a lifetime--they're each going to be turned into a DHI, or a Disney Host Interactive, to guide visitors throughout the park. The five teens--Finn, Charlene, Willa, Philby, and Maybeck--are a varied assortment of ethnicities, and all attend different schools. As Maybeck states, they're "the Orlando assortment pack." When Philby points out that DHI also stands for Daylight Hologram Imaging, the kids get a little worried that maybe the people at Disney aren't telling them everything there is to know. And that turns out to be quite an understatement.
One night when Finn falls asleep, he finds himself in the park after closing-- in his DHI, or hologram, body. He meets an old man named Wayne, one of the original Disney Imagineers, who informs Finn that he and his other four DHI friends have been chosen for a mission. A mission to save the park from the Overtakers, a group of once-benign Park characters who have taken on power and are intent on spreading their power outside of the borders of Disney World.
What at first seems like a fantastical dream soon turns to reality, when the attractions at the Park begin coming to life when the DHIs cross over into the Magic Kingdom while sleeping. They're attacked by animatronic pirates from The Pirates of the Caribbean, the dolls from It's a Small World try to capsize their boat, a dinosaur fossil from the Thunder Mountain ride comes to life and starts chasing them. And then there's Maleficent, the witch from Sleeping Beauty, who appears to be all too real--and determined to stop the kids from solving The Stonecutter's Quill, the fable that Walt Disney passed along to save the Park from the Overtakers.
THE KINGDOM KEEPERS is definitely an imaginative read, full of action, adventure, and suspense. For anyone who has ever visited the Magic Kingdom, you'll recognize the settings immediately. Even if you're not a frequent visitor of Disney World, this is one book that will bring the magic--both good and bad--to very realistic life.