The Klondike Stampede - Classic Reprint Author:Tappan Adney THE KLONDIKE STAMPEDE — CHAPTER I — Arrival of Excelsior and Portland with Treasure and News nf Creat Strike -Excitement that Followed, ami the Stampede for Klondike — N the 16th of June, 1897, the steamer hxcclswr, of the Alaska Commercial Company, steamed into the harbor of San Francisco and came to her dock near the foot of Market Street. She ha... more »d on board a number of prospectors who had wintered on the Yukon River. As they walked down the gangplank they staggered under a weight of valises, boxes, and bundles. That night the news went East over the wires, and the following morning the local papers* printed the news of the ar-
* The Examiner was practically "scooped " on the first story, giving it only a few lines; the dliro>iiele and ('all. perceiving its news value, served it in the most sensational manner. Tin-New York Herald printed the Ciill's story simultaneously. Mr. Hearst, of the New York Journal (and l:.xanii>ic>-), telegraphed San Francisco to know what was the matter, an
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