Children's chapter book. Ages 10-13

kristys mom is getting married and kristys a bridesmaid, the only trouble is 14 little kids are coming to the wedding and tehy all need babysitters..
I loved this series as a kid!
This is an awesome book!
kristy's mom is getting married and kristy's a bridesmaid.the only trouble is fouteen little kids are coming to the wedding and they all need comes the baby-sitters club
stacey,claudia,mary anne,dawn,and kristy think they can handle fourteen kids.but that's before they spend five days changing diapers,stopping fights,solving mix-ups.righting wrongs and getting sick and tired of baby-sitting!one thing's for sure this is a crazy way to have a wedding but its a great way to have a lot og fun
stacey,claudia,mary anne,dawn,and kristy think they can handle fourteen kids.but that's before they spend five days changing diapers,stopping fights,solving mix-ups.righting wrongs and getting sick and tired of baby-sitting!one thing's for sure this is a crazy way to have a wedding but its a great way to have a lot og fun