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Lady Sarah Lennox - An Irrepressible Stuart 1745-1826
Lady Sarah Lennox An Irrepressible Stuart 17451826 Author:Edith Roelker Curtis LADY SARAH LENNOX - AN IRREPRESSIBLE STUART 1745-1826 BY EDITH ROELKER CURTIS. ACKNOWLEDGMENT First and foremost, the author wishes to express her grati tude to the late Richard Walden Hale, who introduced her to the subject of this biography, and who as he expressed it presented her with a store of material concerning Lady Sarah Lennox. But for... more » his deep interest in English biography and history this work would not have been undertaken. The abundant results of his researches in the field covered by this book were the main sources of my information. In addition to this tangible material, he gave freely of his interest, scholarship and counsel, in what proved to be a most absorb ing and delightful task. It cannot be said that the finished product is a work of collaboration. Indeed we often differed in the interpretation of Lady Sarahs character, and on ques tions of inclusion and omission. For any errors in these re gards, I must, myself, be held accountable. His part in the inception and pursuance of the undertaking should, how ever, be made known to readers of the book, even as it is realized and appreciated by me. The writer wishes, also, to acknowledge her indebtedness to the Earl of Ilchester for his courtesy in extending permis sion to use material from THE LIFE AND LETTERS OF LADY SARAH LENNOX, edited by Lady Ilchester and Lord Stavordale John Murray, London, 1902 and HENRY FOX, FIRST LORD HOLLAND, HIS FAMILY AND RE LATIONS, by the Earl of Ilchester John Murray, London, 1920. With one or two exceptions, all quotations from Lady Sarah Lennoxs letters have been taken from Lord Ilchester s book. The author would record her gratitude also to Sir John vii Vlii ACKNOWLEDGMENT Murray, publisher, for his kindness and courtesy in all this matter. Three letters have been taken from THE LETTERS OF GEORGE III TO LORD BUTE, edited by Mr. Romney Sedgwick, Macmillan, London, 1939 and the author wishes to thank editor and publisher for permission to reproduce them here. Of the several friends who have helped in preparing this book, Mr. John Bovey must be thanked especially for his valuable editorial assistance, and Mr. Richard Walden Hale Jr. for his suggestive criticism of the manuscript. E. R. C. CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I. The Rise of the House of Lennox .... 1 II. Childhood 21 III. The Foxes and Holland House 34 IV. A Royal Suitor 47 V. The Royal Courtship 77 VI. The Royal Wedding and the Coronation . . 104 VII. Belle of London 125 VIII. The Bride 137 IX. Paris in the Spring 156 X. Gallic Interlude 168 XI. The Adored Mistress 188 XII. In This Rudderless State 196 XIII. All for Love 209 XIV. The Declassee 227 XV. Recovery 241 XVI. Fulfillment 257 XVII. The Wife of a True Military Man .... 280 XVIII. Lengthening - Shadows 295 XIX. The Mother of Heroes 311 XX. The Past Recaptured 328 Bibliography 336 Index 341 The Rise of the House of Lennox N OCTOBER ninth, 1671, sobersided John Evelyn recorded in his diary that he had gone that night with Mr...« less