Law in Our Lives An Introduction Author:David O. Friedrichs Combining detailed theoretical discussions with real-world examples, Law in Our Lives: An Introduction, Third Edition, presents a broad analysis of the nature of law in contemporary society. Author David O. Friedrichs employs an exceptionally lucid writing style that makes the complex subject matter as student friendly as possible. Numerous peda... more »gogical features--including boldfaced key terms, discussion questions, and appendices on case briefing, law in films, and relevant websites--further enhance the text's accessibility.
Providing students with an interdisciplinary framework through which to understand law and society, Law in Our Lives, Third Edition, is ideal for courses that introduce law or address law and society.
* Updated throughout with relevant scholarship and important news events including law in relation to recent environmental catastrophes, the socio-legal consequences of the 2008 presidential election, and the political/legal response to the financial crisis of 2008 and subsequent economic recession
* Addresses a wide range of new law-related developments including those relating to civil litigation, new technology infringing on citizens' privacy rights, health care reform, same-sex marriage, medical use of marijuana, and the current status of employee rights
* Discusses many new topics throughout:
» Current controversies over constitutional interpretation and judicial review
» Harvard Law School's new curriculum
» The marketplace for new lawyers in a tough economy
» The rapidly expanding impact of the internet and social media on law
» The impact of Google and Twitter on juries
» Neuroscience research and evolving views on criminal responsibility
» Foreign law referrals in American court opinions
» Law in the New China, and in Vietnam and Cambodia today
» Post-9/11 debates on Sharia'h law in Islamic countries
» The "cultural defense" in criminal cases
» The latest trends on declining support for legal services for the poor
* Includes a new section on the methodology of law and society research
* Presents completely new boxes on a diverse range of topics including: "Can Law Promote Happiness?"; "Texting and Sexting: New Legal Initiatives"; "The Virginia Tech Shooting Massacre and Privacy Law"; "The Jurisprudence of Harry Potter"; and "Lowering the Bar: Lawyer Jokes"« less