This is a YA urban fantasy book set in London 1983. I enjoyed this book even though I don't usually read fantasy. It is about Susan Arkshaw who is trying to find her father. She meets up with Merlin, a left-handed bookseller, and his sister Vivien, a right-handed bookseller. They are looking for whoever has killed their mother. I love the fact that this book is about books and bookshops. I found it clever and entertaining and filled with British forklore. It is a standalone but the ending felt like it was waiting for the next book in the series. If you love fantasy then I believe you will enjoy this book.

This was such a fun adventure! Lots of magic and mayhem! It wraps up nicely but I hope to see more of these characters.

I adore Garth Nix as an author. His Old Kingdom series is one of my top faves. Unfortunately, that has me comparing every book he writes to that series. I am always looking for that magic that I found in that series. This book was fun, adventurous, creepy and an all around good time but it didn't quite live up to my expectations. I think the biggest part of it was one of the main characters, Susan. I didn't quite bond with her and at times didn't even like her. Towards the end I felt more of a connection but my perception of the book was already tainted. Other than that, it was a great book with a wonderous story. It ended neatly with a possibility of a second book which I would look forward to.