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Topic: on line clothing swaps?? FOUND

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quillingsandy avatar
Subject: on line clothing swaps?? FOUND
Date Posted: 1/25/2011 9:25 AM ET
Member Since: 2/8/2010
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Someone last week had listed a few on line swap shops like PBS only with clothes.............of course, I cannot find that must be an over 50 thing, I wrote it down, lost the list, and cannot locate the topic again.....

I would love to find a site that swaps for points not a 'swap a shirt for shirt' site................more like PBS.....anybody know of any??


Last Edited on: 1/26/11 9:48 AM ET - Total times edited: 2
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Date Posted: 2/1/2011 9:32 PM ET
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zwaggle looks interesting.  Anyone want to send me a referral request?

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Date Posted: 5/24/2011 11:38 AM ET
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This is exactly what i'm looking for. Unfortunately most of these are for kids clothes/stuff only (peaceloveswap, threadup, and zwaggle). And Kazoodle seems to no longer exist. I have found a website called "Rehash" that is a alright too. But unfortunately all trades have to be made between the same two people. For instance I find a pair of jeans I want, I email person and they look at what I have to offer and we make a trade among ourselves. The obvious problem is that the two people involved may not be the same size or have different styles. I dont think its a very effective way to trade clothes. Anybody know how to start a website like pbs to make a "item for a credit system" so that it will be easier to spend credits with other individuals. I have hundreds of items in very good condition that will not fit me anymore. It is kind of frustrating to think the only option is either the goodwill or the trash. Especially since I know there are people out there who would love to get them.

eagerreader007 avatar
Subject: Fashion Swapping
Date Posted: 7/4/2011 6:16 AM ET
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This is good info... I have a lot of nice things that I can swap for myself and my family.

Also wanted to you give you a thought... my girlfriend used to attend a church in Phoenix that held a Ladies'  Annual Fashion Exchange that sounded like a blast!

Anyone could attend and participate at no charge.  They just showed up with a bag or two of gently used clothing, shoes, handbags, accessories.  Nothing could have stains, rips or snags.  Someone counted up the items they brought and then gave  the ladies a ticket that entitled them to pick that many items in exchange.   Then they took their items to the appropriate tables and laid them in neat piles.  (Tops, shorts, skirts, dresses, jeans, shoes, accessories, etc...)   They had a couple of make-shift dressing rooms and a few people brought desserts and other refreshments.  

My girlfriend had lost a ton of weight from the stress of becoming a single mom and needed new clothes desperately, but couldn't afford it.  She took several bags of her things and was able to get basically a new wardrobe of clothing that fit her great!  She got everything from casual clothing to suits and matching shoes to boot!  Pardon my pun.   A few pieces were new with tags.  She was thrilled to have 'new clothes' and was able to give away her nice things to someone else.  

Everything left over was boxed up and taken to a shelter.  


fyrefairy54 avatar
Subject: Cool!
Date Posted: 10/9/2014 5:09 PM ET
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Dear Monica,

I'd love to see something like that started here.  My sister has lost a lot of weight(she's happy about that) and has lots of good-quality plus-size clothes she could swap.  I haven't as much, but would gladly swap for sweatshirts(oversized, men's!) to cut down and use as loose pajamas.  I prefer soft, old sweats for this purpose.  They don't worry me if they get messed up(stained!) and are really warm...I'm cold-natured, and need stuff that keeps me warm at night.

We do have several places that we give good-quality clothing:  the local Salvation Army, and at least one consignment shop that takes just about anything.



glory-to-glory avatar
Subject: My county has a facebook group where we do "give-aways"
Date Posted: 10/27/2014 7:59 PM ET
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The group rule is that everything is free.  I have offered up tupperware pieces I no longer use, curtains, etc.  And people can ask for things.

A lot of the give and take is for children's clothing.

Sometimes electronics are offered - like "Does anyone want this monitor before I take it for recycling."

It's very much like freecycle.

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Date Posted: 12/9/2014 2:35 PM ET
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I had a computer security alert on one and the other is out of business.  Sounds like a good idea but be careful.

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Date Posted: 8/28/2015 4:08 PM ET
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FYI, my experience with thredUP was sending them a large bag of clothing and receiving ~$1.   I checked all the brands, washed and ironed (ironed!) them, and I don't believe I missed that much condition-wise.

So unless you are sending never worn stuff that's less than a year old I wouldn't bother.  They note in fine print they usually accept less than half of most bags.  At the least, be willing to just have the clothing vanish.  They do at least pay shipping and now let you ship it via USPS rather than special trip to FedEX.  So if you just want it gone and don't mind the time to check brands on their site (they do have a nice brand-checker. How accurate one can argue) it's simple and maybe you'll get paid something.

For that bag, I'd have been better off donating it and taking a tax write off.  Or trying the local consignment shop, though I've had uneven luck with them and they aren't convenient. The thrift store is, and much less picky about wrinkles!


(Update: ThredUp notified me they are now charging a per-bag fee to ship them clothing.  Also, you can't use their brand-checker or anything else on the site without logging in first now.  While I doubt I've had sent them anything more anyway, that's been heavily reinforced!)

Last Edited on: 5/10/17 10:16 PM ET - Total times edited: 1