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Topic: Looking for a book title: A time-travel from future to present

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rjvagabond avatar
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Subject: Looking for a book title: A time-travel from future to present
Date Posted: 1/22/2024 10:06 PM ET
Member Since: 6/5/2011
Posts: 13,393
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I started this thread in CMT but thought I'd drop down to this forum, where I've been woefully absent for too long, and see if I had a better chance of finding someone who recognizes this book here.

I'm trying to find the title/author of a book I read ages ago - late 90s/early 2000s?  It might be a romance, but not sure.  What I do remember is there is a time-travel organization in the future - 23rd century? - that, I think, does time-travel tourism.  An agent or tourist (?) goes back to the late 20th century/early 21st century and goes rogue and a team headed by a woman is sent back to find the guy and bring him back.

What I remember most about this book was the plot line that the late 20th/early 21st century was a keen period of interest in the future because so much of the history has been lost.  During the earlier period (our time) there was a rush to record everything in digital format and get rid of paper records.  Sound familar?  But, it turns out the digital technology did not stand the test of time and did not survive into the future. So those years in the late 90s/early 2000s became the new 'dark ages' and a popular period to visit in time-travel tourism.     

I've always remembered that plot line because I worked in IT and when I read the book we were switching so many records in our office from print to digital and then shredding the paper hard-copies.  So the idea of this all being a big mistake really resonated with me.  LOL

As a side plot point, the main character ends up staying in the past (our present).  As the story ends the main character hides a time capsule for her family back in the 23rd century full of reams of paper because in the future, paper is a rare and highly sought after product. She hides the time capsule full of paper in the foundation of a building being built in current time but recognizes it that it is the same building being torn down in the future in her old neighborhood.  

If you know the title of this book, I'd really appreciate you posting it here.  I can't remember title and/or author but I've often thought about the story line when I think of all the journals, photos, emails-that've-replaced-letters, and other docs that we now do almost exclusively in digital format and I wonder how many will survive to document our history to future generations and how many will just go *poof* into the ether.