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Topic: Looking for a Forgotten title of book about contemporary widower ranceher w

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Subject: Looking for a Forgotten title of book about contemporary widower ranceher w
Date Posted: 7/18/2019 10:22 AM ET
Member Since: 10/27/2005
Posts: 19
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Romance - Takes place out west - read about 5 or more years ago. Short description of book: Forgot Title and author -
Young girl and her two sisters own a ranch. She is the youngest of the sisters and her sisters think she should finish college At least her one sister does. She is love with the rancher next door who has lost his wife and has a young baby. She attempts to go over and help him while home from school. The whole female community is scared of him because he just locks himself in his room and drinks. She finally gets in to take care of the child, changes him. This is the second book in the series I think.