Additionally, she manages to present the characters of Xhex and Rehvenge honestly (showing all their flaws), but still in a way that just warmed my heart. You'll be a Rehv fan when you're done, I promise!

With my complaints aside, I loved Rehvenge and Ehlena. I liked how gentle he was with her and there was true emotion when they were together. I thought the revelation of who, and what, Rehvenge was handled beautifully. Ehlena's feelings and reactions were spot on and I admired how she was able to forgive him.
I felt so bad for JM in this book. He got kicked around too much, but I hated how he decided to handle everything. He's never had much guidance, and the one person he looks up to, was not around when he needed it. I am looking forward to his book, which I believe is next. Honestly, I hope it's not as long as this one was. 3.5 stars
I enjoyed revisiting the relationship between Beth and Wrath. It's nice to know that everything doesn't automatically become rosy just because they are together. And it totally made sense that Wrath was going strong and now losing steam as king.
As usual I have a hard time with reading about the lessers. I always feel those parts of the books were too long. Lash helped a bit but it was still too much about them.
Good read but definitely try to read them in order.
There were lots of subplots going on in this one. It set the stage for the next book (John and Xhex). There was a fair amount about Wrath. The rest of the brothers were in the book but only superficially.
If you like the series, I think it's a "must read" because the books build on each other and you would have information gaps otherwise.
That being said this book is entirely too long and disjointed. Each chapter shifted to a new perspective from the Council to Rehv to Haven and the nurse who is Rehv's female to Xhex and John to the Lessors and Lash and to the Brotherhood with chapters on Wrath and Tohr. Just when you are into one story the focus shifts to another. Just when we are learning interesting things about the Sympath's there is a sudden shift to Lash and the Lessors. It probably would have made two if not three really in-depths books. I actually put it down several times when the story shifted and went back to it later.
I am giving it 4 stars because I did enjoy Rehv's story and I did like catching up and moving forward with the Brotherhood. And there is a great cliffhanger that set up the next book about Xhex and John. You really need to read these books in order.

The main plot involves Rehvenge aka The Rehverand aka Bella's older brother, and Ehlena the one nurse at Havers clinic who isn't afraid of him. Ehlena is a great character, she has a good heart and no ulterior motives ~ she simply wants to be happy and make others better around her. Rehvenge is an interesting character ~ what you see on the outside doesn't tell the full story. He is part sympath and goes to great lengths to keep that secret ~ although the brotherhood knows. As the story goes along you get to see his heart and why Ehlena is drawn to him.
As stated before there are alot of subplots going on in this one, which of course will set up future books.
There is the Xhex/John Matthews story ~ which is the basis of the next book in the series, Lover Mine.
There is the John Matthews/Tohrment story ~ which I hope works itself out. These are two of my fav characters in the series and I really am looking forward to seeing where Ward takes these characters.
Wrath & Beth appear in this book and need to work out some problems they are having.
Lassiter, the angel who found Tohr, is an interesting addition and the interaction btwn him and the brothers is hilarious
The Brothers themselves always provide a great amount of entertainment.
And the brief appearance of Payne ~ the Scribe Virgins daughter and Vishous's twin sister ~ makes me wonder what her story will bring into the mix
Although I'm not a big fan of Lash or the Lessers, I understand the need for them to be around and given space ~ and the fact that Lash will play a huge role in the next book.
The one thing that confuses me is why the Scribe Virgin isn't as strong as she was in the first books. I know that there have been changes, but she just isn't the Scribe Virgin I've come to love to read about.
But regardless of all the information being thrown at the reader in this one, it is a great addition to the series and a keeper.

I was somewhere in the middle. I liked the whole Rhev/Elehna story. But my favorite was the JM and Xhex storyline. I confess--I hated Xhex at the beginning of the story. But now, I think I like her. I think that Ward really likes JM and Xhex too, so the next book should be really good.
The Princess character is just disgusting. As is Lash.
Still a series I like to read and one I will continue to buy.

Other stories are advanced, including Wrath & Beth, Tohr, and Xhex & John Matthew. This is a 5 Star book for me. I'm ready to read the next book in the series, but it looks like I'll have to wait a whole year.

Rehvenge has been successful in hiding his symphath side through the use of drugs and because he pays a monthly blackmail fee in rubies and his body to his half-sister so she will keep her silence. These monthly meetings are nearly deadly for him.
He meets Ehlena at the hospital where she works as a nurse. Ehlenas life has become extremely difficult. Her mother has died, her father is suffering from dementia and the family has lost its wealth and standing with the glymera. She and her father live in a small, run-down apartment. Part of her salary pays for a day nurse to stay with her father.
Rehvenge is attracted to Ehlena and Ehlena reluctantly agrees to a dinner with him. She eventually loses her job at the hospital because she steals some drugs (antibiotics) to help Rehv because he did not mention an infection to Havers that she had noticed when she was taking his vital information.
John Matthew continues to be obsessed with Xhex but then he accidentally learns that she is a symphath and is initially torn as to whether or not he should turn her in.
Wrath has gone back to fighting lessers but he is doing it on his own and coercing Butch to help him with clean up. Beth eventually learns that he is fighting on his own and is furious with him.
The Lessening Society has actually become interesting in this book. Lash is leading the society with Mr D as his right hand man. They are in the process of recruiting new lessers and Lash has the idea that he will take over the drug trade that Rehvenge has been doing at his night club. In doing so, they start to recruit the local drug dealers. One of whom is on the outs with Rehvenge and Xhex because he has killed his former girlfriend, Christina, who was an employee at ZeroSum. (A bit of a treat in this part of the story is that Detective de la Cruz is brought back because he is investigating the death of Christina and has told Xhex to let the law handle the investigation.)
And, Tohrment is fighting with the angel, Lassiter, who has moved in with the Brothers at their compound.
This is my least favorite book in the series. Mostly, because I just dont particularly care for Rehvenge. In the previous stories, he seems to be this bad guy who knows too much so he gets away with things. (Such as not being turned in as a symphath because hes Phurys drug dealer.) I didnt like how he treated his sister Bella like an incompetent twit in Lover Revealed (book 2) and Lover Awakened (book3) and the subsequent books. Its never really fully explained why the Brotherhood tolerates allowing him to stay among them, despite knowing he is a symphath. Does the Brotherhood disagree with the rule about sending symphaths to the colony?
I did like the side stories in this book. Wraths struggle with his blindness and why he didnt tell Beth he was actively fighting lessers. Tohrments struggle with being saved from death by Lassiter and how his desire to be in the Fade with Wellsie blinded him to what he needed to do. (Plus, Lassiter is funny.)
There was a lot of hiding in this book and the hiding ultimately didnt help the people who were doing the hiding.
The sex was hidden in this book, too.
I loved how JM turned into a bad ass and took Xhex with no feelings. Of course "Lover Mine" will probably be chalk full of sexual insecurities. Get over your butt-rape already JM.
Sexy, strong, fight scenes love scenes there is everything in this book/series. it is a must read!

In this book the main premise is Rehvenge and his love interest the nurse Ehelena. Rehvenge being part sympath and part vampire can feel other peoples emotions. Since part sympath he his forced to hide that side of him from the vampire world in which only a select few truly know what he is. To hide this side of him he must take dopamine so that he does not feel what anyone else feels. He thinks of himself as pretty much garbage and therefore does not take care of himself.
Enter Nurse Ehelena. A strong indepenent woman who has beenf orced to take care of her ill father and never truly living life for herself. Afterall taking care of a mentally ill parent is a tremendous time consuming task. Ehelena meets Rhevenge when he comes to the clinic for his visit to get dopamine. Of coarse everyone fears Rhevenge but yet Ehelena seems to be drawn to him and does not know why.
Through the coarse of the book we see their relationship develope. Ehelena opening up to Rhevenge and yet Rhevenge doing all he can to keep his dark deeds to himself. Afterall if Ehelena were to find out what he truly is and what he does there would be no way a woman of worth would truly be able to love him, right? Rhevenge is forced to face his demons and fears. Can he overcome them and be the mane Ehelena beleives him to be. Can Ehelena come to grips with his past and see the man he truly is so they can have a furture together. Only reading this book will you find the answer :-) No spoilers here
We also find Wrath and Beth dealing with dilemmas of their own. With Wraths diminishing vision and the fact the he lied to Beth really puts a damper in their relationship. Wrath is the kind of of male that does not want to feel useless and yet not being able to fight with his brothers makes him feel useless. Only through his is blindness can he truly lead. I know pretty weird but you will see what I'm talking about when you read the book. Can he truly overcome his feeling of failure to realize what he has to do and move on from his disability? Once again you must READ the book.
Finally we have the Xhex and John situation. Which is still an ever growing situation in each book. I am looking forward to reading Lover Mine as that is their book. So I can not say anything about their situation in this book without giving away spoiler. So more to come on that front when I read Lover Mine.
The book as usual is filled with action, drama, romance, and of coarse steamy love scenes. If you have not read this series you must put it on your list. It's a series you won't be disappointed with. Everything you could want in this kind of genre!!! Thanks JR Ward for writing yet another wonderful novel that had me turing pages into the late hours of the night.

I've already begun Lover Mine, and am enjoying it just as much. I hope she keeps up this style for however many books are left. I'll be interested to see what stories are left.
If you're a BDB fan, you can't miss this one. Hopefully you'll enjoy it as much as I did!

I especially liked the pairing with Ehlena. She's the exact opposite of him in all ways except her exile which puts them squarely in the same boat. Rehv is the typical tortured hero who uses his self-deprecating ways to protect himself and preserve his pride.
Lash is a complete asshole and I can't wait to see John Matthew kick his ass in Lover Mine.
This is by far one of my favorites in the series. I could really see Rhev's and Ehlena's relationship progressing and saw them falling in love. Lots of side plots going on as usual, but not as annoying as in Phury's book.
On a side note, I'm really getting tired of all the cutesy euphemisms Ms Ward uses. Having a huge, hot, vampire warrior (Wrath) refer to his gun as a "click, click, bang, bang" just about made me gag.

Rehvenge is a character I liked from the moment he first appeared in the books even though he's not a Black Dagger Brother. Yes, he's a pimp, drug dealer, and participant in some shady things. He's a rogue. You know that deep down he's not as bad as we think he is. By the end of the book, you realize he is as noble and self-sacrificing as Phury.
This book is well-plotted and probably the most complicated of all the BDB stories thus far. Lover Avenged is Rhev's story, but it also moves the story arcs of several characters - John Matthew, Xhex, Beth, Tohr, Lash, and Wrath - forward in very interesting ways. The subplots don't detract from Rhev's story at all. They add to it. There's intrigue, blackmail, lots of sympath interaction, behind the scenes look at Haver's clinic, and of course really hot scenes with Rhev. You see him in a new light. I didn't think it was possible to make a drug dealing pimp be a hero, but Ward does that so well. My hats off to her. The writing in the book is superb. There are some very believable phone conversations between Rhev and Elena. It's both sweet and very hot.
My new favorite female character, Xhex, has a prominent role in the book. Read this if you're a BDD fan. It's a wonderful addition to the series.

The downside... the language is EVEN more street and I had to hide it from my kids and the romance kind of takes second stage. Some felt that the story didn't focus on Rhevenge enough but I think he was presented through his developing relationships with the other characters... that in itself is pivotal for him.
That said, it was my favorite BDB novel! It is NON STOP action, adventure and romance, and I wasnt' too disappointed that there was less romance. The pace made up for it! Loved it! Can't wait for the next one!

This story just didnt flow for me like the others, I found myself skimming pages which I never do with Ward.
The first in the series is still my all time fav and one that I will never trade. Wrath is great!
Anyhow I will continue to buy the series as well as the new series coming out.

But wow...This was amazing. Incredible. Addicting. I could not put this down, just kept turning pages. Ward is seriously an incredible author. This book was huge, more than I'm used to reading, as I am a romance reader myself. But I am definitely hooked now.
Ehlena and Rehvenge were so perfect together. It was a really heart-wrenching, yet heart-warming story. I loved every minute between them. Their phone calls were so cute and realistic. I could imagine that happening so easily, and it made me smile. His pain tore at my heart and I wanted to comfort him myself. I loved the way he was with her, and the sweet things he said.
There was so much going on in this book that I couldn't even read the whole thing or I'd get lost. So I shall go on to read the first one in this series, and continue reading this wonderful author I had passed by many times before. Finally I picked up one of her books at the library, because there was nothing new at that time, and I needed my romance/paranormal fix. My gosh, how could I have ever passed this up? She writes so realistically. It's easy to understand and relate to the characters.
Then there is the John/Xhex side story, the John/Tohr side story and one gorgeous angel all of which are reason enough to come back another slice.

Rehv sounds like a dreamy character and I did think Ehlena was a good fit for him. I did like their story.

Wonderful love story for Rehv and the coming of age for John Matthew. I love, love, love this book. JR does a phenomenal job of continuing mutliple story lines in one book while giving us a fabulous main story with a HEA for Rehv.
The story of Wrath and Beth is expanded upon in this story and some important revelations and developments about Wrath, Lash, and most importantly John Matthew and Xhex. Lots of dirty hot lovin' that you find in every BDB book.
This is a worthwhile installment in the series (can you really miss one?) but I'm less in love with the characters now. Rehvenge is a great character, but just doesn't stick to your memory like many of the others. I'm doing a re-read of the series and wasn't anxious to get to this book. OK but just not - WOW.
My biggest complaint is that EVERY character has the same voice. They all speak the same rapper/inner city/hip hop slang. You can't tell Ehlena from Wrath from Beth from Jane from Blaylock. I'm often impressed with the creative slang, but sometimes it just seems like lazy writing.

This book shoots off in different directions, setting up for other books, but at times it is a bit too much. I would have like to have read more about Rehvenge and Ehlena but maybe that will come about in the future.
Major characters in this book are Rehvenge, Ehlena, Lash, John and Tohr. The history behind Rehvenge and the princess is revealed and a bit shocking.
Overall I enjoyed this book and looking forward to the next.

The downside to the book was, to me, it got a little far fetched in at the sympath's colony. Also, I was sad to see the landmark disappear...sorry no spoilers here.
All in all, I really enjoyed this book. It included the rest of the gang and reads in chronological order showing others as well as the h/h. I also would like to see a little more of Payne!
The downside... the language is EVEN more street and I had to hide it from my kids and the romance kind of takes second stage. Some felt that the story didn't focus on Rhevenge enough but I think he was presented through his developing relationships with the other characters... that in itself is pivotal for him.
That said, it was my favorite BDB novel! It is NON STOP action, adventure and romance, and I wasnt' too disappointed that there was less romance. The pace made up for it! Loved it! Can't wait for the next one!

the next book has got to be about john mattthew and xhex!
Rating: C+ Lover Revenged is book seven in J. R. Wards Black Dagger Brotherhood Series. For a brief synopsis of this series and a reading order, check out my series post on the Brotherhood. The Reverend or Rhevenge runs the night club Zero Sum in Caldwell. He is half vampire-half sympath. He injects himself with dopamine to suppress the sympath side of himself - his murderous, raging, mind-controlling self. He frequently needs to go to the clinic for a steady supply of dopamine. Most of the nurses are afraid of him, except for Ehlena. Rhev is drawn to Ehlena because of how pure and innocent she seems, which is so different from the tainted life Rhev lives. I just finished Lover Revenged last night. I have to be honest here... I couldn't really get into it. I think it was Rhev. I sometimes struggle with books where the characters are less than human, ie they have demon in them or in this case sympath (and sympaths totally creep me out by-the-way). I mean he was a pimp, a drug dealer, a murderer and to top it off a half-psychopathic lizard creature. One of those things I could have handled, maybe two. But all of them together was too much of a stretch for me. Plus, for some reason with the mohawk, the big coat, fancy designer suit and cane, I kept picturing him as the rapper Flavor Flav with the over-sized gold watch around his neck and gold caps on his teeth. Okay, so because of Rhev I had a big disconnect, but I will say that I still thought the romance between Ehlena and Rhev, was good. I especially liked the scenes with them talking over the phone. The scene where they are intimate the first time is a great one too. I just wish I would have liked Rhev more. Onto the John Matthew saga... Well, I have always liked John Matthew and his buddies. I don't really get his interest in Xhex though. I think JR wanted to make John seem more edgy, so she created this angst with Xhex to achieve it. I am not sure how I feel about it yet. She definitely hooked me with the unresolved ending surrounding these two. Lash was also featured and I don't know why, but I like him. I mean, I don't like him per say, but I like what he brings to the stories. He is completely sick and twisted, but dare I say it, he entertains me. I don't know why, but I was amused by his relationship with the Princess. It seemed fitting with their similar personalities. Wrath and Beth (first book, Dark Lover) play a prominent role in the plot of Lover Revenged. Wrath and Beth are having trouble with thier relationship and they have some things they need to work through. I thought it was good to revisit with these two and see how their relationship has progressed.