As usual, for the Murder She Wrote books, there are a lot of twists and turns here, especially in the tunnels. And just when you think you've ID'ed the killer, a lot of other good suspects are presented.
I had two small problems with the book. First, in one case, a police lieutenant says "Over and Out" on a radio. Please.... that's been known for God knows how long to be improper radio procedure. You say "over" when you finish talking and want the other person to reply. You say "out" when signing off the radio. For a professional to be shown making this mistake is inexcusable.
Second, Jessica is constantly addressed as "professor" by students and others. After over 33 years on the faculty of a university. I know that wouldn't happen. Coming on board the faculty for just one semester doesn't make you a professor. You have to be in a tenured-accruing position (assistant, associate or full professor) to be called by that title. Besides, the egos of most Ph.D.s I've known would be greatly affronted by a person like Jessica being called "professor." More than likely, she would have been given the title of "Lecturer."
I had two small problems with the book. First, in one case, a police lieutenant says "Over and Out" on a radio. Please.... that's been known for God knows how long to be improper radio procedure. You say "over" when you finish talking and want the other person to reply. You say "out" when signing off the radio. For a professional to be shown making this mistake is inexcusable.
Second, Jessica is constantly addressed as "professor" by students and others. After over 33 years on the faculty of a university. I know that wouldn't happen. Coming on board the faculty for just one semester doesn't make you a professor. You have to be in a tenured-accruing position (assistant, associate or full professor) to be called by that title. Besides, the egos of most Ph.D.s I've known would be greatly affronted by a person like Jessica being called "professor." More than likely, she would have been given the title of "Lecturer."

I loved this book.