Helpful Score: 9
I have read several parenting books and this is one of my favorites. The author focuses on what he calls "reality discipline" which, in my understanding, demonstrates that everybody, children included, make choices - the 'reality' of this understanding is that one must live with the consequences of our choices, whether good or bad. Thefore, Leman's approach is very simple - the child has a choice to behave or not to behave - if he behaves he reeps the rewards from you in the form of encouragement and incentives and if the decision is wrong, he reaps the punishments from you and/or the negative consequences of his choice. For example, the child who refuses to eat his meal will find that is his choice, but his dinner is then removed and thrown away and the parent will refuse any further food that evening to replace the missed dinner. The child finds that hunger is the reality of his choice.
The techniques DO work as long as the parent has the wherewithall to stick with the program, i.e. - not 'giving in' when the child is discovering that he/she does not like the choice they made!
Very good. highly recommended for all age groups of children, works as well for preschoolers as for teenagers. Truly teaches children the real-world implications of their behavior, which I believe is essential.
The techniques DO work as long as the parent has the wherewithall to stick with the program, i.e. - not 'giving in' when the child is discovering that he/she does not like the choice they made!
Very good. highly recommended for all age groups of children, works as well for preschoolers as for teenagers. Truly teaches children the real-world implications of their behavior, which I believe is essential.
Helpful Score: 5
great ideas if your dealing with a child that wants their own way and you don't use corpoal punisment
Helpful Score: 2
This book has many great ideas to help with raising a happy, healthy, disciplined child.
Helpful Score: 2
This down to earth book helps provide real life help in raising listening well behaved children. It was a fun and informative read.
Helpful Score: 1
Good parenting book with some religious overtones so if that might bother you, this isn't the book for you. It does however offer a lot of great advice. My 4 year old is very well behaved and I really don't have too many problems with him but I still found some really great stuff to apply to my parenting techniques. I didn't necessarily agree with everything he wrote but I still got a lot out of the book. I recommend it.
Helpful Score: 1
A humorous, realistic, and useful book about raising great kids.
Helpful Score: 1
Leman again shows us practical ways to engage our children and show discipline with love. Useful and easy to read.
Helpful Score: 1
The author helps parents find creative ways to get your children to behave.
Helpful Score: 1
This is a pretty helpful book with some useful ideas.
Helpful Score: 1
This book , like all of Kevin Lemans' s books was very helpful, practical and funny.
Helpful Score: 1
Foil finicky eaters, turn off temper tantrums, and minimize sibling rivalries. Get your children to be responsible and successful. Get kids to do what you want them to do. Know when to take the little buzzards by the beak. Understand why children misbehave and what to do about it. (Back Cover)
Helpful Score: 1
This book had some great ideas, but as with all help books, there were definitely spots where I thought the author had no clue what he was talking about. Mind you I was comparing HIS situations to ours. They didn't match up a lot. However, I did learn quite a bit and I'm sure it will definitely help in our home.
Sabrina Z. (bedheadmomma) reviewed Making Children Mind Without Losing Yours on + 8 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
This is from a very christian perspective.
Jessica J. (dumpysunshine) reviewed Making Children Mind Without Losing Yours on + 22 more book reviews
Dr. Kevin Leman is an excellent resource for parents.
Similar to other Leman books, but advice is worth repeating
Insightful and relevant while being humorous and entertaining. Definitely a good read and highly recommend this author and book.
A absolutly wonderful with wonderful ideas! At he top of the cover it says, "How to bring out the best in your children without letting them get the best of you!" This book has funny stories, and is a great book for parents who may not know how to deal with some of the problems that may arise.
Yes, you can raise responsible, happy children without raising your blood pressure! Dr. Kevin Leman shows you how and why his Reality Discipline really works. Give yourself freedom and put yourself back in the driver's seat! I enjoyed reading this and applying it:)

Great hints for helping parents cope with the everyday "aaarrggghh" moments of parenthood.
some very helpful tips.
great insight along w/ great humor
Sue H. (garagesalejunkie) reviewed Making Children Mind Without Losing Yours on + 201 more book reviews
The back cover says: "Dr. Leman combines humor and compassion with professional expertise and provocative advice to teach you to confidently:
*eradicate irresponsibility
*foster cooperation in the home
*guide children to make wise decisions
*promote prayer and depedence upon God
*encourage enthusiasm towards chores
*turn off temper tantrums
*reinforce rules
*beat bedtime hassles
*foil finicky eaters
*minimize fighting between children
*set suitable allowances, curfews, and privileges
*make children do their homework
*abolish laziness
and much more..."
*eradicate irresponsibility
*foster cooperation in the home
*guide children to make wise decisions
*promote prayer and depedence upon God
*encourage enthusiasm towards chores
*turn off temper tantrums
*reinforce rules
*beat bedtime hassles
*foil finicky eaters
*minimize fighting between children
*set suitable allowances, curfews, and privileges
*make children do their homework
*abolish laziness
and much more..."
This book has a different cover than the one that I have. Same author and title. Good read.
Christian based. Has some good information, but when I saw that it actually said there was some benefit to spanking - even as young as 2 years old - I stopped reading.
Jennifer S. (isa3324ky) reviewed Making Children Mind Without Losing Yours on + 25 more book reviews
This book is in great condition. The book has some highlighted areas, but nothing that interferes with your reading.
Dr. Leman understands why children behave as they do. He lets you in on all the secrets. You'll be relieved to realize that you can love your child without loving everything he or she does....That you can motivate your child...that you can improve your child's self-esteem-and your own-with a loving, no-nonsense approach to child raising.
His Reality Discipline really works. With wit and wisdom he shows you just how easy it is to:
*Foil Finicky Eaters, Turn off Temper Tantrums & Minimize Sibling Rivalries
*Get you children to be Responsible
*Give your child constructive choices
*Create honest communication and consistency
*Set Suitable allowances, curfew, Privileges
*Use Authority and decisiveness ti show your children how much you care
*Give yourself freedom and put yourself back in the driver's seat
Dr. Leman understands why children behave as they do. He lets you in on all the secrets. You'll be relieved to realize that you can love your child without loving everything he or she does....That you can motivate your child...that you can improve your child's self-esteem-and your own-with a loving, no-nonsense approach to child raising.
His Reality Discipline really works. With wit and wisdom he shows you just how easy it is to:
*Foil Finicky Eaters, Turn off Temper Tantrums & Minimize Sibling Rivalries
*Get you children to be Responsible
*Give your child constructive choices
*Create honest communication and consistency
*Set Suitable allowances, curfew, Privileges
*Use Authority and decisiveness ti show your children how much you care
*Give yourself freedom and put yourself back in the driver's seat
Jill A. (scrappitydoodah) reviewed Making Children Mind Without Losing Yours on + 27 more book reviews
From the back cover: "Yes, you can raise responsible, happy children without raising your blood pressure. Let noted physchologist Dr. Kevin Leman show you how--and why--his Reality Discipline really works...."
This is a no-nonsense approach to teaching children of all ages to be responsible and make good choices.
This is a no-nonsense approach to teaching children of all ages to be responsible and make good choices.
This book teaches Reality Discipline. It is a Biblically based method to get your children to behave.
Great Book!
A good religious parenting book, especially helpful from elemenatry school and up. Great ideas for reality discipline.
Very helpful book
okay, not super duper fabulous
Way too much religion.
fair condition; Yes, you can raise responsible, happy children without raising you blood pressure.
JL K. (speechtherapistmom) reviewed Making Children Mind Without Losing Yours on + 43 more book reviews
Great help! My book has a different cover picture, but same content.
I think the one I have is the updated version.
Didnt read this. Didnt seem like something I would like
I did not read the full book to give an accurat review.