What I like about this book is it studies Pac-Man like card counting. I've read a couple of books on card counting and this book looks at the way it's programmed like blackjack in order to beat the game. For example, there are maps the show which way the ghosts go so you know which routes to take in the game. It also tells you when to eat items in order to get a bigger score. This book explains everything so you know how to use the techniques.
There is also some cool information on the game. I wouldn't recommend if you don't want to have the game spoiled because there are some spoilers in here. I enjoyed reading the stories Ken used about himself and some other Pac-Man players he knows. Although I do wish stores were longer. I think any gamer will enjoy this book. Also this is the oldest strategy guide I've ever read on a game so it's a nice piece to have in my collection.
I recently tried some the patterns on my PSP and I can't seem to get the patterns to work. I don't know if you have to have the original arcade Pac-Man game for the patterns to work. Also I haven't seen the fast game at all.
There is also some cool information on the game. I wouldn't recommend if you don't want to have the game spoiled because there are some spoilers in here. I enjoyed reading the stories Ken used about himself and some other Pac-Man players he knows. Although I do wish stores were longer. I think any gamer will enjoy this book. Also this is the oldest strategy guide I've ever read on a game so it's a nice piece to have in my collection.
I recently tried some the patterns on my PSP and I can't seem to get the patterns to work. I don't know if you have to have the original arcade Pac-Man game for the patterns to work. Also I haven't seen the fast game at all.