excellent. i loved this book. i loved it even more than the first one and i can't wait for the 3rd in the series!!
Great read and funniest vampire series I have ever read.
I did enjoy this book very much and Casa Dracula Bk 1. Good plot easy to get into and funny. The only thing that did bother me was the part where the main charactor Milagro, is treated like a servent by everyone in both books. Just because she is Mexican or Latino, does not automatically make her the help. It is such a sterotype. In the future I hope to see more of Milagro being treated as she should be and not just as everyones servent. I do look forward to reading book 3.
Didn't like this one as well as the first book, but still a fun read and recommended..If you like Sookie, Betsy or the Katie MacAlister books, add Milagro to your list! Overall a light, fun read. Can't wait for the 3rd book!