Helpful Score: 1
When I first started reading, Miranda Warning (A Murder in the Mountains, # 1) by Heather Day Gilbert. I thought I was going to get confused by the story. But, actually it was the opposite. Heather gave the views of a young married woman, Rose who was troubled. Whereas, she gave the views and story of the other characters, such as, Tess Spencer, Miranda, and those who were involved with Rose. I was intrigued by the story and held my attention. It kept me in suspense to know what was going to happen next. Who did it? Who's fault was it? Why did it happen? How did it happen? All these questions kept popping in my head as I was reading the story. As I got to the end of the story, I was an awe. I really enjoyed how it all flowed together. I recommend this book. I received this book from The Book Club Network for my honest review.

Miranda Warning is a women's fiction mystery, which I enjoyed reading. It has solid elements of women's friendships, but the main storyline deals with solving a 40-year-old mystery in the mountains of West Virginia. The setting significantly adds to the charm of the novel. I love the authentic customs, lifestyle and relationships that one would find in many such contemporary, small towns.
Strong Christian themes are woven into the story, along with opportunities for characters to obey God and put into practice the Biblical principles they have learned. There are joyful and peaceful experiences, but many, also, of angst and succumbing to evil forces.
Tess Spencer is a great female protagonist. She's gutsy, loyal, and sometimes tender-hearted--just the kind of woman that makes an outstanding best friend.
Strong Christian themes are woven into the story, along with opportunities for characters to obey God and put into practice the Biblical principles they have learned. There are joyful and peaceful experiences, but many, also, of angst and succumbing to evil forces.
Tess Spencer is a great female protagonist. She's gutsy, loyal, and sometimes tender-hearted--just the kind of woman that makes an outstanding best friend.