Mom There's a Pig in My Bed Author:Francess Lantz Dwight Ewing is constantly mortified by his family's actions, and the current state of affairs is almost more than he can bear: his father has moved them to a small town and begun raising seeing-eye pigs for blind people who are allergic to dogs. Dwight so fears being laughed at that he concocts the story that his family is really very wealthy a... more »nd that his parents are trying to show their children how "regular" people live. The story grows until the townspeople believe the "wealthy" Mr. Ewing is planning to buy all their farms and rename the town in honor of himself. Intertwined in this plot is the chaos involved in trying to actually train miniature pigs. There are some very funny scenes based on the animals' antics. There are also many examples of the problems that result from lying, and the happiness that comes from doing something you love.« less