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The Mortification of Sin: A Puritan Guide
The Mortification of Sin A Puritan Guide Author:John Owen "The Mortification of Sin" by John Owen is a masterpiece on how to kill corruption in one's personal life. Less than 100 pages long, it is packed with insightful thinking regarding sanctification. Owen packs much into "The Mortification of Sin," while still managing to leave many rocks just turned over so that the reader can search for himself. ... more »In "The Mortification of Sin," Owen covers nine preliminary steps to overcoming. ( 1) Consider the dangerous symptoms of your lust; (2) Get a clear sense of the guilt and danger of the sin; (3) Load your conscience with the guilt of the "perplexing distemper"; (4) Have a vehement desire for deliverance; (5) Determine whether the sin is rooted in your natural temperament; (6) Prevent the opportunities for sin; (7) Vigorously oppose the first actings of sin; (8) Think deeply about the majesty of God; ( 9) Speak no peace to your own disquieted heart - let God speak it. These principles form the bulk of "The Mortification of Sin," yet are fenced in by strong opposition to the legalistic methods of dealing with sin and with hearty exhortations to focus on Christ and be empowered by the Spirit in the whole task of mortifying sin. "The Mortification of Sin" is an excellent treatment of the subject and worthy of repeated readings.« less