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Topic: Muffin tin question

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goddessani avatar
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Subject: Muffin tin question
Date Posted: 3/9/2016 12:53 PM ET
Member Since: 7/25/2005
Posts: 32,998
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I found a gluten free recipe bread I'd like to try but it says to make it in a mini muffin tin.  I don't have a mini muffin tin and don't want to go buy one just for this.  Can I make it by putting the smaller buns in  a regular size muffin tin?  Alternately, could I put enough dough in to "fill" the regular muffin tin?  If so, is the time also doubled?  

Sorry, I don't bake much but now that I'm GF I'm finding I need to make more of my own food. 

Your help is appreciated.