If you've read any of my other reviews, you've probably picked up on the fact the well-written, believable characters are important to me. And they were few and far between in this story. The author worked overtime to establish her characters' traits, and in doing so, ruined the flow of the story. (IMHO)
I've never met a grandmother who was as paranoid as Gerry Porter. Time and again, she expressed an overwhelming fear that a late night drive to a deserted area of town would leave her 10-year-old granddaughter prostrate with fear. Let's face it ... 10 year old tomboys LIVE for stuff like that. Add to that the idea that EVERY adult in town would avoid speaking of any crime, never mind actual murder, in front of the child. Totally ridiculous, and completely unrealistic.
I also felt that the author was much too focused on trying to develop the many facets of this character, and let that take over the book. She's a former teacher. I get it. She's a grandmother. I get it. Her nephew is single. I get it. Etc., etc., etc. If the author laid it on any thicker, I'd have smothered in it ...
And just WHAT was this woman doing poking around in a murder investigation, anyway? It's not like it happened to a friend or family member. It wasn't on/near her property. It didn't affect her livelihood. She wasn't a suspect. None of the viable reasons for amateur sleuths to get involved .... She assumed that since her nephew was on the police force, she had every right to "investigate" .... And how realistic/believable is it that a threatening note is put on her windshield IN THE POLICE DEPARTMENT PARKING LOT, and she doesn't say a word to said nephew. Come ON!!!
In the interest of fairness, I will read the second book in this series (when it comes up on my WL - I won't go out and BUY it). I always make allowances for "first books" because there is no history to draw upon, so a bit of "over-characterization" can be expected. But if #2 is written the same as this one, that's where I'll draw the line ....
Murder in Miniature by Margaret Grace
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Murder in Miniature is the first book in the A Miniature Mystery Series, and although it was a good book, i can't say that I am climbing the walls looking for book two. The story was fine, and I enjoyed the details of the miniatures world, but something about it made it difficult for me to read.
Maybe it was having grandma as the heroine, but I don't think it was that, but no matter how I tried i just could not relate to this book.
Geraldine is a grandma who lost her husband two years ago, and gets caught up in the only two murders in her small town in forever, while her granddaughter is here for a visit. She reasons through the questions and makes wonderful conclusions, not far fetched jumps, but yet at the same time I couldn't get into it and I find I am even having a hard time writing about it! Wow, that almost never happens with a book.
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