Helpful Score: 1
I really enjoyed this kitty cat murder caper. The characters are interesting, the animals fun and this is a series that I will continue to read about.
Helpful Score: 1
the usual antics of the characters, with a bunch of cool history thrown in. Since I am a Thomas Jefferson fan, I loved it!
Helpful Score: 1
I enjoyed this book like the rest of Mrs. Murphy's advenyures. I have never found a book by these authors to be anything less than I expected. Relaxing fun that holds your interest.
Another delightful mystery with two cats and a dog working along with the humans. Weaved throughout the story is historical information about Jefferson and his descendants.
This was not the best book in the series but was still a fun read. A little heavy on the Thomas Jefferson history for my tastes.
This is probably the least favorite of the series in my collection. The story did not flow as well as they had in prior books of the series.
Attention diverted to historical attributes of the time and character development was not as much. While there are modern day murders taking place, the book was not on par with the series.
It was a slow read and I can't quite put my finger on the "why" of it.
Attention diverted to historical attributes of the time and character development was not as much. While there are modern day murders taking place, the book was not on par with the series.
It was a slow read and I can't quite put my finger on the "why" of it.
Another great book in this series where the cat helps tell the story. The characters are great, with another mystery to solve.
This is pretty good of it's type. Personally, I prefer more action and blood, but it's worth reading.
Good read with some twists and turns in the plot
Another great Mrs. Murphy Series. I love them all!! This is one of my favorites, as it has intersting facts on Monticello, and Jefferson's Life and family. This was topical when it was written, as it alludes to Sally Hemmings, thought to be Jefferson's African American Mistress.

Very good story, good history lesson. Interesting to read about Thomas Jefferson and his family. Good mystery. Again enjoyable characters, looking forward to the next book.
The third Mrs. Murphy mystery, coauthored by novelist Brown and her cat (Mrs. Murphy is also a feline), in which the purring detective must solve a mystery involving the discovery of a body during archeological excavations at Thomas Jefferson's old estate.
The most popular citizen of Virginia has been dead for nearly 170 years. That hasn't stopped the good people of tiny Crozet, VA, from taking pride in every aspect of Thomas Jefferson's life. But when an archeaological dig of the slave quarters at Jefferson's home, Monticello, uncovers a shocking secret, emotions in Crozet run high-dangerously high.

#3 in the series.
YOU Don't have to be a cat lover to love Murder at Monticello!!
I love that all the animals talk and that they are the best crime solvers in the town.
My book is red instead of green, but the same book. Mystery and animal lovers.