Helpful Score: 1
Great read for a rainy afternoon
Helpful Score: 1
P.I. Desiree Shapiro is at it again! This was a good read, and had me guessing for quite awhile!

Helpful Score: 1
Great series. Fun heroine.

Well-known children's book author Luella Pressman was found dead of no apparent cause in her study, her cat her only company. Now the adored pet has been transformed from loving feline to total fiend. What happened?

5th book in the series. Pretty good mystery, even though I guessed "who-dun-it" fairly early into the book.

Desiree is hired to find a murderer although it does appear that there IS a murder! Desiree is frustrated because she has gathered notes on her interviews and no one appears to be a suspect...they all loved the deceased. In between all this, she is dealing with a lout of a man. Good book and I enjoyed following her to her conclusions. A very likable character too.