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Topic: New Media Mail Inspection

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BlackPanther avatar
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Subject: New Media Mail Inspection
Date Posted: 10/20/2021 11:57 AM ET
Member Since: 4/2/2007
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I was at the Post Office yesterday mailing PBS books. The cashier's computer popped up a message. Something like "Your package has been randomly selected....." It asked the cashier to open the package in front of me and she should write down what she finds in my package.

Obviously this has never happened to me and it had never happened at this Post Office before. She was totally "flummoxed"!  I told her go ahead. I don't care, but she was going to have to use her own tape to fix it. Ha ha.... (Well other than the fact I was already late for work, but that was my fault.)

rainbowgirl28 avatar
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Date Posted: 10/20/2021 5:09 PM ET
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Weird! It is good if they start inspecting more packages, there is a ton of abuse of the media mail system, but annoying that it makes them hold up the line like that. 

IlliniAlum83 avatar
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Date Posted: 11/2/2021 10:46 AM ET
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It's been a while but in past few years I have received book packages with PO markings telling me the package had been opened and inspected. It's quite rare, but does happen. 

Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 1/17/2022 7:54 PM ET
Member Since: 3/28/2008
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That happened to me one time last summer.  The postal worker did not open the package -- he could tell from the package that it was definitely a book and just sent it through.