Traci B. (tlbrown206) reviewed Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist (Left Behind, Book 3) on + 82 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 4
Whether or not you believe in the Bible, Left Behind does make for an interesting tale of comfort through crisis (especially post 9/11), conspiracy, a father's relationship to his daughter, and how a newsman deals with removing his feelings to get to a story. The best way to read this series is as a fictional novel in which extraordinary events have happened, people will start to believe in religion. Details are taken out of the Book of Revelation and fiction is added to make it an enjoyable read. I enjoyed the book and the and the rest of the series intense action and feeling which makes them page turners.
Helpful Score: 4
LOVED this book as well as the whole series. Each time, I could not wait for the next book to come out. Like visiting old friends every new book. This series was the first I have seen that dealt with the Rapture and it was great.
Helpful Score: 3
A great read that you won't want to put down until the end...then you'll be waiting to read book #4!
Helpful Score: 2
I loved this book. There is some great information in here about the Book of Revelation. The action was so cool.
Dena B. (dcb1776) - , reviewed Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist (Left Behind, Book 3) on + 9 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 2
I give this book 5 stars! Wonderful Christian series (which still seems to be extremely popular). In the days we now live, I would highly recommend this book for anyone interested in eschatology.

Helpful Score: 2
The series is hard to put down, glad there are a few more to read in the series.

Helpful Score: 2
This is where it really gets interesting.... I love the whole series....
Helpful Score: 2
The whole Left Behind series is amazing. Very insightful & inspiring. Keeps you wanting more until the very last page and then you can't wait to start the next book!
Rita B. (AnimalFarmBooks) reviewed Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist (Left Behind, Book 3) on + 16 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
This is just one book in the whole series. Nicholae is taking his place as the false savior. A page turner and fast read. Gives you lots to think about.
Ward K. (koalabearkid) reviewed Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist (Left Behind, Book 3) on + 215 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
The saga continues as Rayford, his wife, and Buck and Chloe (now married) make it their mission to win as many souls to Christ as they can. The seven year tribulation is nearing the end of its first quarter when prophecy says, "The rath of the Lamb will be poured out upon the earth."
Helpful Score: 1
I love this series it is so mind boggling!
Donna B. (dj4books) reviewed Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist (Left Behind, Book 3) on + 22 more book reviews
Great book, great series! Difficult to put down!
Great book.
Veronica W. (Veronica66) reviewed Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist (Left Behind, Book 3) on + 14 more book reviews
Great book series

This is a good book in this series.
Julie H. (dizzyja) reviewed Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist (Left Behind, Book 3) on + 62 more book reviews
excellent read a real page turner
Matthew B. (skerbilman) reviewed Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist (Left Behind, Book 3) on + 54 more book reviews
Great series.
Nancy W. (wisger) reviewed Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist (Left Behind, Book 3) on + 22 more book reviews
I love this series. Fast paced. Hooks you and keeps you interested. #3 in the series.
Patty R. (joyfulislander) reviewed Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist (Left Behind, Book 3) on + 123 more book reviews
A great book in a great series that should be read by everyone.
Beverly F. (sara16) reviewed Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist (Left Behind, Book 3) on + 96 more book reviews
good reading.
I really enjoyed the beginning of this series. A scary yet exciting look at End Time Prophecy.
The 3rd book in the Left Behind Series! Wonderful, chilling, and addictive! The rise of the Antichrist - Nicolae Carpathia - will have you turning the pages way into the night!

Massive devestation going on all over the world. Continues the left behind series.
In book three of the left behind seried the Antichrist is been identified, now he is taking control. Will the believers be able to stop him? A gripping novel.
Excellent Series. Read them in order.

"I read all the adult and all the kids series. I enjoyed them all very much. They helped me to understand the book of revelations better. My daughter is now reading them and really enjoying them, so I am trying to get the whole set of both."

So, it is Left Behind 3. The Tribulation Force (fundamentalist terrorist cell) mourns their dead teacher. A nerd builds them all supersecretspystuff. They cry a lot, pray a lot, worry about whether to abort the Antichrist's child, blackmail a closeted lesbian into silence by threatening to out her, fantasize about the mass conversion of Jews to Protestantism, etc. Every fun American city (plus Dallas) is bombed into rubble. A Range Rover almost gets wrecked. A divinely-inspired earthquake happens, and a man who has been locked in an underground bunker comes out and asks someone else, "Was that the great earthquake?" Really! They sold like 12 million of these books. There is no sex (they do kiss a couple times), but there's plenty of spiritual pornography for people who like to imagine their fellow humans slaughtered en masse, for God and stuff. Four and a half stars.
Robin W. (robin091779) reviewed Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist (Left Behind, Book 3) on + 5 more book reviews
The antichrist has risen.

Enjoyed this entire series.
Diane W. (williswood) reviewed Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist (Left Behind, Book 3) on + 128 more book reviews
Book 3 of the Left Behind Series. Fabulous!

This whole series is riveting...can't put the books down.

Have to continue on to book 4 for sure. Great series so far and more to come.
Sharon A. (Sassy) reviewed Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist (Left Behind, Book 3) on + 60 more book reviews
Story builds suspsense throughout.

"I read all the adult and all the kids series. I enjoyed them all very much. They helped me to understand the book of revelations better. My daughter is now reading them and really enjoying them, so I am trying to get the whole set of both."
one of the best books i've ever read i had never read a series of books till i started on this one the whole series gets you hooked and thinkin what happens next it will make you laugh cry mad and more faithful and look to the lord for answers in your life
Jeanette F. reviewed Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist (Left Behind, Book 3) on + 35 more book reviews
This is another awsome book in the End Times series by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins. A wonderful and informative read. I recommend it highly, Jeanette
Jenkins and LaHaye weave a compelling story of a very believeable potential "going-down" of end times events as prophesied in sacred scriptures of Judeo-Christian faiths. Unforgettable characters are teamed with a thrilling and convoluted plot, timed against the chaotic backdrop of the AntiChrist's rise to power in the post-Rapture world in this well-written continuation of the Left Behind Series. Highly recommended as a work of fiction-this series is hard to put down. Prepare for a case of done-in-a-day reading--and be prepared to want to read them again.

At this point I've read all the books in the series but I looked forward to this one a lot. As Nicole is one of the main characters/villian of the series I couldn't wait to get into it. It did not dissapoint. I loved this series and recommend it to all. What a wake up call!
Sean M. (camarothunder) reviewed Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist (Left Behind, Book 3) on + 5 more book reviews
Lot of actions and stories. I couldn't get this book down and the ending will leave you pondering! Very good read, compare to the first two books.
Great Series, hope everyone gets a chance to read this series.
Katherine C. (KBC) reviewed Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist (Left Behind, Book 3) on + 42 more book reviews
FANTASTIC BOOK!!! I read the whole series, one after another. I love them!!!
I LOVE The Left Behind series, and I wouldn't be willing to part with this book were it not for the fact that I have two copies---one I bought, and one that was given to me as a Christmas present about three weeks later!
The thing I love most about the series is that it can be looked at from a secular point of view as Science Fiction, or as a religous experience. The whole series is an excellent read, and this portion of it is no exception.
The thing I love most about the series is that it can be looked at from a secular point of view as Science Fiction, or as a religous experience. The whole series is an excellent read, and this portion of it is no exception.

This is a great series.
Susan W. (Suz) reviewed Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist (Left Behind, Book 3) on + 725 more book reviews
The 3rd in a series based on the premise that the millions of people who vanished in an instant have been called "home" to Christ. This 3rd book takes place near the end of the first quarter of the 7 year tribulation, when prophecy says that "the wrath of the Lamb" will be poured out upon the earth.

This was a nother great read in this series, and you will not be able to put it down.
Another engrossing page turner.

Great book!!!
This is book 3 of the Left Behind series.

In Nicolae, the most explosive of the three book so far, the seven-year tribulation is neareing the end of its first quarter, when prophecy says that "the wrath of the lamb" will be poured out upon the earth , Rayford becomes the ears of the tribulation saints at the highest levels of the Carpathia regime. Meanwhile, Buck Williams attemps a dramatic all-night rescue run from Israel throuh the Sinai that will hold you breatless to the end.
The anti christ is in charge as the 7 year tribulation period comes in full force
Continued story of the "Left Behind" series.
Thought provoking.
Terri H. (terrilth) reviewed Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist (Left Behind, Book 3) on + 9 more book reviews
Excellent book in the Left Behind Series!

I wonder how many boys (or girls, for that matter) have been named "Nicolae" in the past 15 years.
This series was given to me as a gift, read a few. Story wasn't bad, but the writing is horrific!
I loved all of the Left Behind books.

once you start this series I highly recommend you have the next book ready to read as it leaves you ready to dig into the next one right away . awesome stories
Cara W. (carapatara) reviewed Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist (Left Behind, Book 3) on + 7 more book reviews
Another of the series, it makes you want to see the next one!!
Kelly O. (KellyWilloughby) reviewed Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist (Left Behind, Book 3) on + 217 more book reviews
Good read
Marilyn Y. (Mairjalin) reviewed Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist (Left Behind, Book 3) on + 17 more book reviews
Book 3 of the Left Behind Series. Nicolae, the antichrist, takes power while Rayford Steele and Buck Williams take on extremely dangerous positions against him.
Susan W. (scaddybo) reviewed Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist (Left Behind, Book 3) on + 130 more book reviews
Great read!
Katherine R. (katsmonkeyhouse) reviewed Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist (Left Behind, Book 3) on + 12 more book reviews
a page turner.

In Nicolae, the most explosive of the three books thus far, the seven-year tribulation is nearing the end of its first quarter, when prophecy says that "the wrath of the Lamb" will be poured out upon the earth. Rayford Steele becomes the ears of the tribulation saints at the highest levels of the Carpathia regime. Meanwhile, Buck Williams attempts a dramatic all-night rescue run from Israel through the Sinai that will hold you breathless to the end.
3rd book in the Left Behind Series
the third in the series.
First they were left behind then they formed the tribulation force, now they must face Nocolae, the most explosive of the 3 books so far.
First they were left behind then they formed the tribulation force, now they must face Nocolae, the most explosive of the 3 books so far.
Sheryl O. (Everett-Reader) reviewed Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist (Left Behind, Book 3) on + 216 more book reviews
Book 3 in the tribulation series

Great name is in it.

Number 6 to the Left Behind Series, these books are absoltely awesome.
Caren G. (3andMe) reviewed Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist (Left Behind, Book 3) on + 40 more book reviews
First they were Left Behind. Then they formed the Tribulation Force. Now they must face Nicolae.
Sandra H. (Sanandee) reviewed Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist (Left Behind, Book 3) on + 715 more book reviews
Oversized softcover, a Left Behind book; back cover says "most explosive of the three books thus far"
Book 3 in the Left Behind Series.

In Nicholae, the most explosive of the three books thus far, the seve-year tribulation is nearing the end of its first quater, when prophecy says that " the wrath of the lamb " will be poured out upon the earth. Rayfod Steele becomes the ears of the trubulation saints of the highest levels of the Carpathia regime. Meanwhile, Buck Williams attempts a dramatic all-night rescue run from Israel through Sinai that will hold you breathless to the end.
From the Cover...the most explosive of the 3 books thus far, the seven year tribulation is nearing the end of its first quarter, when prophecy says that "the wrath of the lamb" will be poured out upon the earth.Rayford Steele becomes the ears of the trib. saints at the highest levels...Buck Williams attempts a dramatic all night rescue run from Israel through the Sinai...
Linda H. (Ca53Buckeye) reviewed Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist (Left Behind, Book 3) on + 134 more book reviews
delicately read once & looks new
Barbara A. (barbwired) reviewed Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist (Left Behind, Book 3) on + 130 more book reviews
First they were left behind. Then they formed the Tribulation Force. Now they must face Nicolae.
In Nicolae, the most explosive of the three books thus far, the seven-year tribulation is nearing the end of its first quarter, when prophecy says that "the wrath of the Lamb" will be poured out upon the earth. Rayford Steele becomes the ears of the tribulation saints at the highest levels of the Carpathia regime. Meanwhile, Buck Williams attempts a dramatic all-night rescue run from Israel through the Sinai that will hold your breathless to the end.
In Nicolae, the most explosive of the three books thus far, the seven-year tribulation is nearing the end of its first quarter, when prophecy says that "the wrath of the Lamb" will be poured out upon the earth. Rayford Steele becomes the ears of the tribulation saints at the highest levels of the Carpathia regime. Meanwhile, Buck Williams attempts a dramatic all-night rescue run from Israel through the Sinai that will hold your breathless to the end.
Londa K. (gmcwife) reviewed Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist (Left Behind, Book 3) on + 76 more book reviews
First they were left behind. Then they formed the Tribulation Force. Now they must face Nicolae.
In Nicolae, the most explosive of the three books thus far, the seven-year tribulation is nearing the end of its first quarter, when prophecy says that "the wrath of the Lamb" will be poured out upon the earth. Rayford Steele becomes the ears of the tribulation saints at the highest levels of the Carpathia regime. Meanwhile, Buck Williams attempts a dramatic all-night rescue run from Israel through the Sinai that will hold your breathless to the end.
In Nicolae, the most explosive of the three books thus far, the seven-year tribulation is nearing the end of its first quarter, when prophecy says that "the wrath of the Lamb" will be poured out upon the earth. Rayford Steele becomes the ears of the tribulation saints at the highest levels of the Carpathia regime. Meanwhile, Buck Williams attempts a dramatic all-night rescue run from Israel through the Sinai that will hold your breathless to the end.
Linda J. (bendtraveler7) reviewed Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist (Left Behind, Book 3) on + 26 more book reviews
New, never got around to reading it