Helpful Score: 1
I really enjoyed the book. As usual she spun a really good web and her characters are exceptional. This book takes you into Edge, a new world where Magic abounds and new species exist.
Helpful Score: 1
Night Seasons was a fairly good addition to series, however, I dont feel it was as easy flowing as the previous others. I rated it a 4 star, as I felt it rambled on & on, kind of expected more as it mostly took place in Edge. I really thought this story with Cullen, Cynna, Daniel taking place in Edge would be more involved with happenings, etc. But it really more or less "flowed" on a general path, not as gripping as the other ones. I've read other reviews on other sites, and I see where some felt this way also. All in all, not a bad one, but not as good as the previous additions. I am still reading on in this series, as I do like it and the way Wilks writes.

I was confused from the first page. I used to enjoy this series but this book just read like a jumbled mess. Definitely won't read anymore in this series.
Cullen and Cynna go to Edge and have a great adventure. He proposes marriage in this story, but their wedding isn't included, it is here
plus another short story here which is about Cullen talking with the Catholic priest.
I am enjoying this series of well developed characters and magical Earth.
plus another short story here which is about Cullen talking with the Catholic priest.
I am enjoying this series of well developed characters and magical Earth.
As much as I like Cullen and Cynna, this story dragged for me. There just didn't seem to be that "spark" the first two stories had. The realm of Edge didn't flow well for me with all the other species names and politics that went along with them. But Gan found her purpose in life, and everyone survived. I wish Wilks had added Cullen and Cynna's wedding into this story, it is very cute, quirky, and would have been a nice touch. Go to Wilks website to read it. And even though i didn't "love" this story, i will keep reading the rest of the series. I like these characters as a whole to much to give up now.
I love her characters but this story isn't one I would normally have read. It was good, just out of my path. I like Lily and Rule but Cullen and Cynna certainly have their place too. I hope there will be another book with them.

Well written characters as always.
I tried reading books 2 & 3 in this series but both were too boring to finish. I am not even going to try reading anymore in series - there are too many other books out there waiting to be read!