Orion, the hunter, protector of mankind...
John O'Ryan is not a god...not exactly. He is an eternal warrior destined to combat the DarkLord through all time for dominion of the Earth. Follow him, servant of a great race, as he battles his enemy down the halls of time, from the caves of our ancestors to the final confrontation under the hammer of nuclear annihilation.
John O'Ryan is not a god...not exactly. He is an eternal warrior destined to combat the DarkLord through all time for dominion of the Earth. Follow him, servant of a great race, as he battles his enemy down the halls of time, from the caves of our ancestors to the final confrontation under the hammer of nuclear annihilation.
Space Opera of Good against Evil. Good Reading
Classic galaxy-sweeping SF from a master!
From back cover: John O'Ryan is not a god...not exactly. He is an eternal warrior destined to combat the Dark Lord through all time for dominion of the Earth. Follow him, servant of a great race, as he battles his enemy down the halls of time, from the caves of our ancestors to the final confrontation under the hammer of nuclear annihilation.
From back cover: John O'Ryan is not a god...not exactly. He is an eternal warrior destined to combat the Dark Lord through all time for dominion of the Earth. Follow him, servant of a great race, as he battles his enemy down the halls of time, from the caves of our ancestors to the final confrontation under the hammer of nuclear annihilation.
The first and best of the Orion series. A great weaving of science, history, religion and fantasy.