Helpful Score: 1
Father Tim and his wife, Cynthia are thinking about retirement in the Mitford series.
Helpful Score: 1
The Mitford Series from Jan Karon will bring a smile to your soul. Be sure to read in order for the most enjoyment.
Helpful Score: 1
The fourth novel in the Mitford series. Father Tim, the Episcopal rector, and his wife are pondering the murky uncertainties of retirement, a brash new mayoral candidate is calling for aggressive development; a shady realtor with plans for a health spa is eyeing the beloved house on the hill; and, worst of all, the Sweet Stuff Bakery may be closing. Meanwhile, ordinary people engage in the extraordinary struggle of keeping body and soul together.
Helpful Score: 1
4th book in the Mitford series; describes the last year before Father Tim's retirement. A relaxing read.
Helpful Score: 1
From back of book:
Featuring a lovable cast of new and familiar characters, "Out to Canaan" is filled to the brim with the mysteries and miracles that make everyday life worth living, and that make Mitford one of the most memorable small towns in recent literature.
Featuring a lovable cast of new and familiar characters, "Out to Canaan" is filled to the brim with the mysteries and miracles that make everyday life worth living, and that make Mitford one of the most memorable small towns in recent literature.
Helpful Score: 1
For someone that doesn't like Series books, this is an exception to my thoughts. The Mitford series hooked me from book #1 and are just as good with book #4. I try to read other books in between, but find myself feeling too anxious to see what's going to happen next in the town of Mitford. I list them as I read them and will have all of them eventually, through her final chapter released this year. Thanks for taking time to read my review and for checking out my listing!
Helpful Score: 1
This is book 4 of the Mitford Years. I loved this entire series and I'm usually more of a mystery lover. Father Tim is still one of my favorite characters. It is fun and inspiring to get to know him and the townspeople.
Helpful Score: 1
I read this quite a while ago, but I highly recommend the entire series. Everyone I know who has read it has enjoyed it - people from all walks of life.
Helpful Score: 1
Change is coming to the village as Tim, the Episcopal rector, and his wife are pondering the murky uncertain ties of retirement, a brash new mayoral candidate is calling for aggressive development, and a shady realtor with plans for a health spa is eyeing the beloved house on the hill
I want to live in Mitford!
Highly recommend the Mitford Series.
Wonderful book. I just can't get enough of this series. I think everyone should read these books. So very heart warming.
Father Tim and Cynthia face retirement.
#4 in the Miford series. Father Tim and his wife are thinking of retiring, the mayor is up for reelection, and more adventures with Dooley his teenage son.
Simply supurb!!! In love with the characters and town of Mitford.
Makes me cry when good things happen with our Heavenly Father's blessings being bestowed upon everyone in need.
Jan Karon's books make you feel like you are really in mitford. You can identify with the characters and you always hope for the best for them. The main character Father Tim faces some of the real challneges that ministers face dealing with congreational problems.
Once you start reading this series you can't wait for the next book to come out.
It is a warm continuatiuon of the characters' life stories. This is one series I was so sorry to finish.
The fourth novel in the Mitford Series. Wonderful, wholesome book
My very favorite Mitford book! Loved it
You will enjoy the goings on in this little town of Mitford and how much fun and trouble you can have together. A wonderful series that keeps getting better with each book.
Jan Karon's Mitford Series are comfort books. They invite you in and make you feel welcome, right at home.
I waited until I could read the first four books one after the other, for I wanted to know "what happens next?" Delightful stories of mostly delightful, interesting people.
All of these books are so wonderful, and I enjoy them tremendously.
#4 in the Mitford Series is wonderful as usual. I just can't wait to find out what is happening to the characters in her books.
This is my second time to read this book. I always enjoy and learn and am blessed by Jan Karon's writing!! The Mitford Series was fantastic!!
The fourth in the series really kept my attention. It was well written and imaginative. It didn't run long and blended in a mature way, all of the characters from the previous book and added some new ones as well. This particular book made me want to visit Mitford and get to know everyone and the quirky ways of this little hamlet.
Father Tim just keeps me coming back for more. I love this little town and all the characters who live there. You will fall in love with Dooley and even Barnabas. The Mitford books just make you smile.
The 4th book in the Mitford Series.
The fourth novel in the Bestselling Mitford series. These characters are quirky and endearing.
Filled to the brim with the mysteries and miracles that make everyday life worth living and that make Mitford one of the most memorable small towns in recent literature.
This is the 4th novel in the Mitford series. Father Tim and his wife Cynthia are thinking about retirement. Another delightful story.
Thousands of readers have found a home in Mitford, the little town with the big heart. But now change is coming to the village. Father Tim, the Episcopal rector, and his wife are pondering the murky uncertainties of retirement; a brash new mayoral candidate is calling for aggresive development; a shady realtor with plans for a health spa is eyeing the beloved house on the hill; and worse of all, The Sweet Bakery may be closing. Meanwhile ordinary people engage in the extraordinary struggle of keeping body and soul together.
Featuring a lovable cast of new and familiar characters, Out to Canaan is filled to the brim with the mysteries and miracles that make everyday life worth living.
Featuring a lovable cast of new and familiar characters, Out to Canaan is filled to the brim with the mysteries and miracles that make everyday life worth living.

For readers yewarning for a cozy, neighborly read, the town created by Karon's fine Descriptive style has much to recommend it. This is book four of a five book series.
I have all of them.
I have all of them.
Another chapter in small town life and it's troubles.
Another wonderful installment in the Mitford series, this is book 4.
Easy read, great series for relaxation.
Love this series!
So fun...
#4 in the Mitford series
More fun from the Mitford characters who keep getting more and more lovable as the series goes on.
Join Father Tim and his new bride, Cynthia, for more wonderful adventures in Mitford. I read this one in just one night!
read it years ago but am getting my 90 yr old mother reading them while she goes thru chemotherapy. I loved the series; best series since All Things Bright...
As well-written and enjoyable as the previous books in the series. Jan Karon is consistently able to allow us to experience the characters in Mitford going about their daily business like we're looking through a window or listening in on a phone conversation (without feeling voyeuristic!). Simply wonderful.
the last of the four books, the finale, was an enjoyable quiet calming read.
These characters will become your favorite neighbors
4th in the Mitford series.
New condition, copyright 1997. Fourth in the Christian Mitford Series.