Helpful Score: 2
Thank you for writing a book about spiritual distress and providing Biblical tools to overcome these times in our lives. If you are a Christian and dont know what Mark is talking about you need to read this book. If you are a Christian who is a living part of the body of God then you will experience spiritual distress of somekind and this book is valuable in alleviating unnecessary worry about what is happening in your life and helps you to realize you are not alone in this phenomenon. This book encourages you to embrace what is happening with Godly joy and peace because it will work for your good in the end, it always does, just a Biblical fact. If you know of any non-Christians who are under the influence of satanic forces and under evil suppression reading this book will help you to help them through prayer and scripture reading. After reading this book I was very happy and more confident in my walk with Christ. We should remind each other that satan is not invincible and that God always wins in the end.Choose which team you will play for, I choose Gods.GODS TEAM ALWAYS WINS! EVENTUALLY.