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Painting Weathered Buildings in Pen Ink Watercolor
Painting Weathered Buildings in Pen Ink Watercolor Author:Claudia Nice Using inks and liquid watercolor paints specially made for pens, Claudia Nice shows artists of all skill levels how to achieve the warm moods, rough textures and mellow hues of aging barns, farmhouses, mansions and more. Featuring dozens of step-by-step demonstrations along with her written instruction, Nice reveals simple methods for rende... more »ring a range of charming subjects. Claudia is a multi-media artist, but prefers pen, ink and watercolor when working in the field. She has been an art consultant and instructor, has authored 15 art instruction books and travels across North America conducting workshops, seminars and demonstrations at schools, clubs, shops and trade shows. She has recently opened her own teaching studio near Mt. Hook, Oregon.« less