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Topic: Paris Sublet

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caviglia avatar
Subject: Paris Sublet
Date Posted: 3/1/2009 6:28 PM ET
Member Since: 1/30/2009
Posts: 5,696
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This isn't the most well populated forum, but I thought I would ask:

Does anyone have any advice in getting a sublet in Paris for two months?  If anyone has worked with any reputable websites or agencies I would be very appreciative of the referral.

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Date Posted: 3/2/2009 5:09 PM ET
Member Since: 4/7/2007
Posts: 335
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There are lots of websites out there.  A google search yielded about ten different ones.  In 2000, I rented a beautiful, furnished apartment using new york habitats but I'm not sure they still exist.  Paris-stay is one I've heard of.  There are excellent, useful, and informative travel message boards at where knowledgeable travelers share their opinions, good and bad.  I highly recommend going over there to ask about specific websites.  Have you thought about homeswapping?  Homelink international is a good place to find a swap anywhere in the world.

Have a wonderful time in Paris!  Know that I'm very envious.

caviglia avatar
Date Posted: 3/5/2009 1:10 PM ET
Member Since: 1/30/2009
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New York Habitats definitely still exists, I just spent a ridiculous legnth of time looking at available apartments.  Sadly, swapping isn't an option, as my boyfriend will be living in my apt while I am away.  Out of curiosity, where did you stay when you were there?  Thanks for all the advice!

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Date Posted: 3/14/2009 12:23 AM ET
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First time, we stayed in a ridiculously lovely apartment about half a block from l'opera in the Bastille section. Next time, we were a bit further afield in the 13th arrondissement near Chinatown.  Took longer to get to center of the city but we were very close to the metro so it was not a problem.  Also we had a great movie theater near the apartment that showed American films in English, and exquisitely cheap eats in Chinatown.  Still had access to all things Parisian, including farmers markets, cheese shops, wine stores, etc.  now I really want to go back!!!

bibliofiend60 avatar
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Date Posted: 4/9/2011 5:56 AM ET
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I used VIP (Vacations in paris) because unlike a lot of the other sublet sites, the rate you pay is the total price. I found that some sites charge an additional 300 Euros on top of the "rent"


VIP was really good, lots of options, and based in New Jersey, so they understand Americans.

