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Topic: pill bugs

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rutabaker avatar
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Subject: pill bugs
Date Posted: 5/16/2013 6:20 PM ET
Member Since: 1/3/2010
Posts: 32,660
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Anyone know a not too toxic way to get rid of them in garden beds? 

We have a raised bed garden. Because we had snow on 3 May, we planted quite late. Yesterday morning everything looked fine. It rained in the night but we needed it. This morning the cantaloupe plants are dead with pill bugs making a feast of the leaves and stems.

Southernmaw avatar
Date Posted: 6/5/2013 11:30 AM ET
Member Since: 10/5/2005
Posts: 488
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I bought some diatemous earth (not sure that is spelled right) the food grade kind and put it in with my strawberries. I have seen less pillbugs and less slugs since I did that.

I've been told to add sand to the soil to deter them but haven't tried that. 


Wildhog3 avatar
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Date Posted: 6/17/2013 10:12 AM ET
Member Since: 4/4/2009
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I will do some research on that. I think you mean roly-polys. Except for not appealing to one's aesthetics, I am pretty sure they are totally, how is it said these days, benign. In other words, they are not going to hurt nothing except your sensibilities.

I need to replant ASAP.  Picked green peas Saturday and my yield more than doubled all previous years. Better germination. Seventy percent probability of rain today, and gentle rain is what it is doing now, so I am housebound. I will check that out as soon as I get up from the computer. Right now, I am going to download mp3's and make me another Statler Brothers CD.