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Topic: Please Help With Title of a Western Romance Book

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Subject: Please Help With Title of a Western Romance Book
Date Posted: 5/16/2021 7:03 PM ET
Member Since: 9/9/2010
Posts: 3,018
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I have been re-reading some romance books that I remember enjoying. Such as, Kristine Rolofson's A Montana Christmas, Sharon Sala's Always a Lady & Gentle Persuasion, etc.

This book title has been nagging at me for a couple of weeks. I'm sorry to say, I remember few details. The woman is a veterinarian and has returned to the area or just moved there. She has had cancer recently and is very reluctant to get involved with anyone. She received a service call to a ranch and the rancher is interested...

That's about all I remember except the cover picture shows snow and a barn. Hope I remember that correctly. It is a series romance...either a Harlequin or a Silhouette.
