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Topic: Post Office - Processing Delivery Confirmation

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BlackPanther avatar
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Subject: Post Office - Processing Delivery Confirmation
Date Posted: 2/20/2015 2:25 PM ET
Member Since: 4/2/2007
Posts: 7,720
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1) Place the parcel on the scale.
2) Key in the zip code.
3) Stop. You should have the "What are you mailing?" screen showing. Scan the tracking barcode on the label. This should bring up a new screen showing the postage plus the correct charge for the e-DC (.20 for media mail)*
4) If any postage is affixed, press the "Postage Affixed" button and key in the amount of postage on the parcel. If the parcel has no postage skip to the next step.
5) Press the "Print PVI" button. This should print just the postage PVI and no tracking PVI.

*If the e-DC barcode will not scan from the "What are you mailing?" screen follow this procedure:
1) Proceed as normal telling POS what it is that is being mailed.
2) DO NOT select Tracking
3) When you print the PVI, affix the postage as normal and place the tracking PVI on the package, but DO NOT cover the pre-printed tracking barcode on the label. Covering an existing DC is only acceptable for the green Delivery Confirmation labels.



You can print the above instructions, and take them to the PO with you, and hand them to the window clerk.

Also, below is the information from USPS's own website that you can print out and show to your postmaster/PO employees if necessary. This shouldn't be necessary, of course, but you would be doing them (and yourself, of course) a service to help them out here:
•Here is the URL location of the USPS guidelines regarding using Delivery Confirmation (also called "USPS Tracking") on First Class mail and on Media Mail.
the link is

You do not have to use online postage in order to use electronic DC. PBS does receive electronic information on all DC printed through the site. Also, anyone who requests it is capable of receiving electronic files by simply entering the tracking number and requesting that USPS email you the tracking results.
•Here also is a link to the Domestic Mail Manual on the website - go to the section marked "USPS Tracking/Delivery Confirmation"
the link is
The information on this page includes the fee and the eligibility of postal classes for DC (note: Media Mail is a "Package Service")
The above page of the USPS Domestic Mail Manual describes the "Electronic Option" (which is what PBS Delivery Confirmation is):
"Privately printed forms...are available to mailers who establish an electronic link with the USPS to exchange acceptance and delivery data."

Note the following information on that USPS page:
11.1.2 Fees and Postage
The applicable USPS Tracking/Delivery Confirmation fee must be paid in addition to the correct postage. The retail and electronic option fee, and postage may be paid with postage stamps, meter stamps, PC Postage, or permit imprint. Precanceled stamps are not permitted as postage payment. The electronic price is applicable when customers privately print an electronic USPS Tracking/Delivery Confirmation label or Label 400 and establish an electronic link with the USPS to exchange acceptance and delivery data. [bolding added]

PaperBackSwap established an electronic link with the USPS for this purpose, back in 2006. The wrapper you print is the privately printed form, which was approved by USPS for this use.