Power Money Fame Sex A User's Guide Author:Gretchen Craft Rubin Learn from Michael Jordan, Robert Moses, Machiavelli, and Madonna -- here at last is the guide for using power, money, fame, and sex that describes what actually works, rather than what ought to work. Instructive, ruthless, subversive, and entertaining, Power Money Fame Sex reveals the mysteries of office politics and personal posturing.... more » Whether you're gunning for a promotion, a trophy wife, the cover of Time, or a very early retirement, you'll find the secrets laid bare in this indispensable guide. Here you'll find clear explanations with illustrations, tips, and quizzes, ready for use Monday morning. Lurking beneath this blunt advice is a piercing social critique -- why we would choose to become a self-promoter, a bully, or a tease. Once you understand the tactics found here, will you decide how to use them or abuse them? Whether the intricate code exposed in Power Money Fame Sex inspires or infuriates you, remember: if these rules aren't working for you, they're working against you.« less