Helpful Score: 1
The slim volume that includes personal letters, a biographical account, and maxims of the simple, humble Brother Lawrence, whose life of love impacted everyone around him. His life with God is a challenge to all of us, to live simply in love.
Helpful Score: 1
Read this book when I received it. It was very helpful and gave specific advice and postures of mind to practice hearing God and learning to look for Him everywhere.
Helpful Score: 1
One of the classics of Christian literature and a book that should be required reading for every new Christian. Brother Lawrence didn't write this book, he just lived a life so full of devotion that his friends compiled the book from letters he had written to friends that explained the secret of his remarkable life. The secret is in the title, to live as if everything we do is in the immediate presence of God, for indeed it is. Simple as this may sound, few Christians master this concept as well as Brother Lawrence and his profound example is inspirational.
1982 reprint of this ancient classic. Brother Lawrence was a lay brother who never got out of the kitchen but let God live in his heart and so has helped Christians for centuries.
Perhaps this quote from the Second Conversation (Chapter) sums it up best: "Brother Lawrence said that he was always guided by love. He was never influenced by any other interest, including whether or not he was saved. He was content doing even the smallest chore if he could do it for the love of God."
Far from a simpleton, he reduced profound spiritual truths to their simplest, easiest to understand level.
Far from a simpleton, he reduced profound spiritual truths to their simplest, easiest to understand level.
Wonderful "advice" from a simple monk on living continually in God's presence.
How much more classic can you get than Brother Lawrence? Everyone has heard of this book, many, many have read it. I hope many, many are also living it. In the plainest language, this simple man gives a way to live moment-by-moment with the awareness of God's living presence. A lovely and very affecting book.
wow, I need to live this way. Difficult to live in this manner.
A Little Book - full of great wisdom and easy to read.
As simple as this book is, it has profound understanding that God is always with us and He just wants a personal, close relationship with us. Absolutely amazing.

This is a short book (abridged edition) that is encouraging and uplifting. Even though I may not have agreed with every detail of its content, I still finished the book feeling equipped with some new ways to love and serve God. Great thoughts in this little book!
Good classic Christian. This volume needs to be in every home library.
Brother Lawrence discovered the secret of a truly happy life:Doing everything in the felt presence of God. Would we all could find the secret for our own. His letters and thoughts exude satisfaction, love and happiness. I wish I could have met him in person. This book serves as a limited but effective introduction. Pray for me, Brother Lawrence, that I can find your way.