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Preventions Outsmart Arthritis: Expert-Endorsed Remedies for Short-Term Relief and Lifetime Control
Preventions Outsmart Arthritis ExpertEndorsed Remedies for ShortTerm Relief and Lifetime Control Beat Arthritis! — Arthritis is the number one cause of disability in the United States, affecting 43 million people. But you do not need to be among them! By combining effective treatments from conventional and alternative therapies, you can heal your joints, relieve pain, and preserve your flexibility and independence. For many people, changes i... more »n diet, exercise, and lifestyle alone provide major benefits; for others, adding the new SuperDrugs to their regimen offers lifelong control of symptoms.
This guide from the editors of Prevention Health Books can help you create a comprehensive self-care program for maintaining joint health and a vital, active lifestyle. Inside you'll discover:
· How excess weight and inactivity spell danger for your bones and joints.
· Why your joint pain may be more than arthritis--and why it's important to find out
· The killer side effect from the most commonly used osteoarthritis drugs--and how you can avoid the risk
· Safe supplements that work...and popular "remedies" that definitely don't
· Special help for rheumatoid arthritis sufferers
· A complete total body program, plus menu plans and recipes to promote joint health--and weight loss!