Someone has resurrected Pyrgus' father, the previous Purple Emperor who was brutally murdered! Apatura Iris is a shell of his former grand self, but still powerful enough to sign his agreement on a contract drawn up by Lord Hairstreak, Pyrgus' worst political enemy, stating the removal of Pyrgus from Emperor Elect. The position will now be transferred to Pyrgus and Blue's younger brother, Comma, and the two eldest children will be banished to faraway lands.
Henry arrives in the faerie realm, only to discover that Blue and Pyrgus are gone, and the kingdom is in danger of being taken over by their political enemies. However, with the aid of a very mysterious and powerful group of people, Blue, Pyrgus, Henry, and friends just might be able to right all the wrongs in their kingdom.
Henry arrives in the faerie realm, only to discover that Blue and Pyrgus are gone, and the kingdom is in danger of being taken over by their political enemies. However, with the aid of a very mysterious and powerful group of people, Blue, Pyrgus, Henry, and friends just might be able to right all the wrongs in their kingdom.
Sure can't wait to read more by this author. Enjoyed book 1 and 2 very much. Characters are wonderful along with their adventures.
This is second in in the series-takes up where Henry lands in the Faerie land-this is a good read for accelerated readers and young adults if you like fantasy type. It is interesting with the twists of fate within the faerie world/some light teenage angst/zombie father coming back. Overall, my daughter(who is 12) and I liked it.

This is the 2nd book of the series Faerie Wars. I actually liked this one better than the first. This book takes place mostly in the Faerie World. There we meet up with characters from the first book like Pyrgus, Henry, Mr. Fogarty, Blue, Hairstreak, Brimstone, etc. It picks up a couple weeks after the last one left off. Pyrgus is getting ready to become Emperor but he doesn't really want to. All of the sudden he finds out that he doesn't have to because his deceased father is back. From there it justs rolls with adventure for everyone.
I personally didn't have a problem with the abrupt ending. I know sequels sometimes do that and looking for to book 3 - Ruler of the Realm to clear things up.
I personally didn't have a problem with the abrupt ending. I know sequels sometimes do that and looking for to book 3 - Ruler of the Realm to clear things up.