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Topic: Quilters?

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craftnut avatar
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Subject: Quilters?
Date Posted: 6/17/2012 11:04 AM ET
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I am a quiltaholic, more books and fabrics than I can use in a lifetime, but I still shop.  Who else here is a quilter?  I have my friends on autoaccept, and would love more quilting friends here. 

Lambie avatar
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Date Posted: 6/18/2012 11:57 PM ET
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Carole, I can't call myself a quilter....yet.   I'm more of a wannabe beginner.    :)

craftnut avatar
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Date Posted: 6/19/2012 10:24 PM ET
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We all had to start somewhere, go for it!  Happy to help with questions if you have any, Chris.

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Date Posted: 6/27/2012 12:39 AM ET
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I'm starting a class next month at a local quilt shop. I really look forward to starting!


craftnut avatar
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Date Posted: 6/28/2012 6:43 PM ET
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Mara, it is an addicting hobby!  Have fun!

keepmelaffn avatar
Subject: Been a quiltmaker for 12 years now
Date Posted: 9/11/2012 6:49 PM ET
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Hi all!  I'm a southern Cali quiltmaker, hand embroderist and dabble in other areas of sewing.  Right now I'm finishing the last of 8 hand embroidered, handmade trick-or-treat bags for some of my grandkids.  Also, making "do rags" and "half face masks" to sell at our booth at various biker events.  If you'd like to see any of my quilts, please visit my flickr photostream at

Have a beautiful and sewful week!


craftnut avatar
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Date Posted: 9/13/2012 6:43 PM ET
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Hi Sandy!!

Your bags are really fun!! 

Do you have a PInterest page?  You can see my quilts on my page, link in the sig lines below.

keepmelaffn avatar
Subject: Hey Carole!
Date Posted: 9/14/2012 6:11 PM ET
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Glad to hear from you! PINterest have to have a Facebook or Twitter account which I don't.  But, I can go onto your page and see your goodies.  You asked if I handquilt or machine quilt...neither (unless "stitching in the ditch" is considered an appropriate form of machine quilting which I'll do once-in-a-while when I'm finishing a small project like wallhangings, placemats, etc.).  I'm an old fashioned tier, I tie my quilts with yarn or embroidery floss.  I'm in the process of making my husband and I a full-size quilt for our bed, hoping to take it to a long arm quilter before all is said and done.  I tied a full-size one for my son and daughter-in-law this past spring and it was murder on my shoulders and arms (too heavy).  Most of the quilts I've made are twin size bed and smaller.  Lots of baby quilts.  We have a new baby due in November and will be making atleast one appliqued whole cloth quilt for him.  I was going to get really ambitious and make some flannel gowns, etc. for him, but, I think that those are way too old fashioned for this generation.  I remember my mom making several for all of my babies and how soft and cuddly they were, for my summer babies she made them in seersucker.  Guess the onesies have taken their place.

Well, I'm off of here so I can get going on making potato salad for a picnic birthday party for one of our grandsons who turns 11 tomorrow...they grow up so fast!

Have a beautiful weekend!


whitneyab avatar
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Date Posted: 9/19/2012 8:02 PM ET
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I am also a quilter! I started in 2006, and haven't looked back. I mostly like colorful, modern designs, and have a few on my deviantart page (see my profile for a link).
craftnut avatar
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Date Posted: 9/21/2012 9:07 AM ET
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Sandy, you no longer need to be on Twit or FB to do Pinterest.   Sounds like you have a lot to sew.  I would still do a couple of flannel gowns, who cares if they are old fashioned!!  Those memories you have would be wonderful to pass to the next generation.

craftnut avatar
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Date Posted: 9/21/2012 9:09 AM ET
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Hi Whitney, looked at your very colorful quilts!  Like the pumpkin one!

whitneyab avatar
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Date Posted: 9/21/2012 10:07 AM ET
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Thank you, Carole!  I had so much fun looking at your Pinterest pictures.

keepmelaffn avatar
Subject: Checked your pics on Deviant
Date Posted: 9/23/2012 2:17 PM ET
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I browsed your pics and I really like your quiltmaking.  My fave has to be "Fall Pumpkins".  You did a nice job using the batiks in the top and bottom inner borders.  Are the outside borders in fleece?  Great piecing!


whitneyab avatar
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Date Posted: 9/23/2012 3:12 PM ET
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No, I'm not a big fan of fleece. The pumpkin quilt was a "row of the month" quilt. It was supposed to have buttons, but I'm not big on embellishing my quilts. This was a great quilt to learn appliqué!
craftnut avatar
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Date Posted: 9/28/2012 10:14 AM ET
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Thanks, Whitney! 

I am working on a Quilts of Valor quilt right now, should be able to get the quilting finished today and start on the binding.  The members of my quilt club made the blocks, one member assembled them and put on borders, and I am doing the rest.  It is a star block pattern in reds, navy and cream. 

Anyone else have a quilt in progress?

Last Edited on: 9/28/12 10:15 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
whitneyab avatar
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Date Posted: 9/28/2012 10:24 AM ET
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Earlier this month I went to a retreat in Lancaster County (PA).  We had a teacher come in one day to give a Bargello class, and I opted to do the wall hanging.  I was the LAST person to finish sewing, but I got that top finished!!!  Well, except for the borders, but that will go together quickly, I think.  I'll try to post a picture soon. 

My quilting group, small as it is, has an ongoing charity program.  We try to do the ConKerr pillowcases at least once a year, and have several quilts in various stages of completion. 

I also recently completed a 1600 quilt for my sister.  It was a Christmas gift (from last Christmas).  It is a queen size, and the only thing I have left to do is bind it.  I really want to get it to her before the cold weather sets in!  I'll try to get a picture of that one before it goes to its new home.

What's everyone else working on?

keepmelaffn avatar
Date Posted: 10/1/2012 7:35 PM ET
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Hi Gals!  I'm at a standstill with my full-sized Dresden Plate quilt for our bed.  Seems like every time I think I've gotten caught up on other projects and I can pull the quilt out of the closet, something else comes up that has priority.  My husband and I are vendors who sell motorcycle rider products such as do rags, face masks, bandanas and DH makes paracord survival bracelets, key fobs, lanyards, etc. to sell as well.  We have various other products like knives, hats and such too.  I'm doing do rags this week as well as working on advent calendars for the grandkids.  So much to do...but I love every bit of it!

Have a sew-filled week stitching friends!


craftnut avatar
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Date Posted: 10/2/2012 7:21 PM ET
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Finished up the QOV quilt, and got anther one quilted.  I'll finish binding it this week, then both will be delivered next week to our chairperson for delivery to the Veterans hospital. 

I loaded another quilt on my quilting frame this past weekend, it is a Hunter's Star done in all black and white.  I cannot figure out how to quilt it, so will need to stare at it a bit.

whitneyab avatar
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Date Posted: 10/2/2012 7:50 PM ET
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You have a long-arm? Lucky duck!
craftnut avatar
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Date Posted: 10/19/2012 7:24 PM ET
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Yes, I do.  When my mother passed away she left me some money, and I wanted to use it on something I could never buy for myself.  I do enjoy it, and I feel like she is with me every time I use it.  Although she couldn't sew a stitch, she did appreciate the things I made.

Finished quilting the Hunter Star.  I put a leaf design on it, and will call it Midnight over the Forest.  A pic will go up on my Pinterest board this weekend.

tkhooper avatar
Date Posted: 11/14/2012 7:12 AM ET
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I'm not sure if I'm a quilter.  I started one quilt when I was in my twenties and finished it in my forties, then I did another one two years ago, and I did a wallhanging this year.  I belong to a quilters group but currently I'm knitting a sweater.  I have two quilts I'd like to design and make up.  They are window quilts for my bedroom that I am slowly decorating.  I want a column of butterflies on one with blocks of different flowers around it and then a boarder.  The other one I would like an embroidered peacock in the center panel and then blocks of different peacock feather motifs on the blocks around the center panel and then a matching boarder to the other quilt to finish it.

Does that sound like it would work?  I like to embroider. 

whitneyab avatar
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Date Posted: 11/14/2012 7:52 AM ET
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That sounds gorgeous!
craftnut avatar
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Date Posted: 11/14/2012 8:08 PM ET
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Tammy, it sounds lovely.  The wonderful thing about designing and making your own quilts is each one is an expression of your creativity and totally unique.

I finished the little cornucopia table topper I was working on, and put a pic of it on my PInterest board.

tkhooper avatar
Date Posted: 11/16/2012 8:07 AM ET
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I love cornucopias.  I picked up a little one for my dinningroom table this year.  I love fall colors!  A friend came up with a way for me to piece a trellis pattern on a runner for the table but I've been to chicken to try it.  My designs usually out strip my skills by a factor of ten, lol.

Our quilt club had a lesson on the disappearing nine patch last night.  And then I got one of the ladies to teach me how to bind an edge.  I'm going to practice it on my practice piece when I finish the free motion quilting and then cut it into bookmark sized pieces. 

I'm looking for fancy butterfly quilt templates.  So far I have about 5 tracings to work with. 

craftnut avatar
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Date Posted: 2/21/2014 8:21 PM ET
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Quilters, please check out this tutorial on quilt borders - - it took me several days to do, and I have had some really positive feedback.  It is a separate page on my blog from the home page posts.
