It's beyond me how anyone can read the Bible and not be disgusted by the ethnic cleansing, petty sadistic acts and blatant mysogeny (it isn't just the Muslims that offer virgins as rewards) that God either enacts or endorses. The thing that finally got to me was the number of times God got angry, belligerant, vindictive, jealous, spiteful and cruel. We would reject any man who displayed these traits but it's okay if the "supreme being" does this and worse repeatedly? He fairly glories in how often he will "smite" (think of what that means) hoards of people--what a great guy!
One thing that really gets me is that this God is supposed to be the ideal of a loving father. When people say this with a straight face, I assume they've never read the book their faith is based on. Do you think a decent, caring father would want to have his child tortured to death, no matter how delinquent the behavior? Just visualize in your mind what the stoneing procedure would be like and then remember that God frequently proscribes it. (There's no quick, human lightning bolt to take you down humanely in this village paticipatory fun event) . Furthermore, it was desired by God, not just for adultery which we remember from Mary Magdalene, but also for disobedience to parents, wearing the wrong attire to the temple, failing to use the proper wording when addressing the diety and such like. This "heavenly father" has no tolerance for human frailty and no inclination for forgiveness as he very clearly says on SEVERAL OCCASIONS "I will HARDEN MY HEART against them". Of course he thinks nothing of setting his projeny (that's his wonderful creative masterpiece remember) into a burning fire that never ends. And people buy this crapload?