I thought this was an engrossing debut novel that deals with an important subject in today's world "bullying". It was hard for me to read at times. It made me glad that I don't have a teenager in school. With social media, cell phones, and texting bullying is taken to a whole new level.
Kate Baron gets a phone call from her daughter's private school telling her that Amelia has been caught cheating. When Kate arrives at the school, she finds out that Amelia has jumped from the school's roof and is dead. Kate is bound and determined to find out the truth about Amelia's death. This is a scary debut about secrets and lies, friends and bullies. The story is told with POV's from Kate and Amelia. It is sad and heart-breaking but seems a bit contrived and not realistic to me. The twists and turns have lots of red-herrings and lead to a surprise ending which seems too rushed. All and all, I did enjoy the book and will read more books by Kimberly McCreight. If you have a daughter in high school, then you need to read this book.
This book is heart-breaking and tragic. It is also compelling and very well written.
Enjoyed this book. I wish the ending had been drawn out bit, I ended feeling less-than-fulfilled as a reader. I felt the ending was rushed.
This is Mean Girls...on steroids! Compelling, interesting read. Not recommended for those with daughters entering high school--may cause a lack of sleep (only half joking).