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Topic: Do you recycle your bubble envelopes?

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Subject: Do you recycle your bubble envelopes?
Date Posted: 6/26/2009 3:26 PM ET
Member Since: 4/24/2008
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If the bubble envelope is not torn up I re-use it to mail out other book trades.  I received on the other day and could tell it had been used at least three times. I was able to use it again to mail off a book.   

Indogirl avatar
Date Posted: 6/26/2009 4:18 PM ET
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I always save them. If I'm mailing out several books to one person, I use a cereal box or another box so I don't have to buy one.

classicana avatar
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Date Posted: 6/27/2009 11:29 AM ET
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I always re-use them, unless I had to destroy them to get the contents out! Some people are REALLY into tape - lol. I use small (6x9) manila envelopes for the single book under 7 oz. (First Class) requests and print the postage label directly on it. But if it is going Media Mail, then I re-use a bubble envelope. Just makes sense all the way around; not only is it a 'free' use, it's one less purchase and one less piece of plastic in the landfill.
polbio avatar
Kat (polbio) -
Date Posted: 7/23/2009 10:34 PM ET
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I re-use all the envelopes i can. I have seen many people do this, since most of the books I get are in reused envelopes.

Froggie avatar
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Date Posted: 7/24/2009 8:41 PM ET
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I try to save them.  I haven't had luck with all of them but I try hard.  I love it when I get one that has already been used...think of all the use this one little envelope has, not to mention the miles it has travelled.

Veronika avatar
Date Posted: 8/16/2009 10:02 AM ET
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I have saved up a bunch of those envelopes.  I NEVER buy them new since I don't have a reason to.  I really don't get why more people on here don't do the same.

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Date Posted: 8/17/2009 7:51 PM ET
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I always save the envelopes of the books I get & I re-use them.  glad to see others do as well.  I also request paper bags at the grocery store & I use the brown paper to wrap & mail books, its really sturdy.  Beats buying more envelopes when I run out.

Indogirl avatar
Date Posted: 10/29/2009 4:48 PM ET
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I used a dairy queen bag today to wrap a book in. The book was small and I didn't have any paper bags, so I looked in the paper recyclables and there the bag was!

Tara35 avatar
Date Posted: 11/5/2009 4:57 PM ET
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Yep, I reuse the heck out of envelopes, as well as cereal and fruit snack boxes!  I have a whole drawer dedicated to just that.

mblisa avatar
Date Posted: 11/10/2009 8:32 PM ET
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I reuse the bubble mailer envelopes that I receive...if they are in good shape! :)  I also use alot of cereal boxes, and some snack cracker boxes, these are very sturdy!  I have also used the brown paper bags that I get from a local store, and when Im in the neighborhood of a local $1.00 store,... I buy a roll or two of the brown paper for a $1.00 each ( I can wrap about 5 or 6 boxes with each roll )

jannymarie avatar
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Date Posted: 11/10/2009 8:53 PM ET
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I am so happy to hear you all reuse envelopes.  I have been so afraid that someone would be repulsed by my reuse.  I have only recently discovered paperback swap but have been mailing my requests in used envelopes and was afraid someone might complain.  Thank you for easing my mind.

trekie70 avatar
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Subject: Caremark Recycleable Envelopes
Date Posted: 11/24/2009 8:30 PM ET
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I've tried reusing bubble env. but usually they are so taped up I have to pretty much destroy them to open them. I've recently found a brand called Caremail which makes it's envelopes with 90% recycled material, 50% post-consumer and can be recycled after use. They're durable, relatively inexpensive and are self-sealing, so no need for tape. There are 4 different sizes, ranging from 6 x 8.75 in. to 14 x 18.75 in. They sell boxes as well. You can buy them on Amazon. There are also reusable envelopes available at Bookcrossing but they are more expensive and I don't believe they are as durable.



MamaHendo3 avatar
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Subject: Recycle
Date Posted: 12/21/2009 9:58 PM ET
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I not only recycle the bubble envelopes, I also reuse the plastic wrap that the books come in.  I use a X-acto knife to open all my packages.  It works really well and opens those hard-to-get-into packages with relative ease (and a little patience).  :P

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Date Posted: 12/26/2009 2:41 PM ET
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I reuse as many as I can.  Sometimes you just have to have patience opening them.

KB9NIY avatar
Subject: REUSE
Date Posted: 12/30/2009 5:53 PM ET
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I have found that the strong plastic bags the mailorder medicen comes in will hold 2 to 4 books.  They are very sturdy and waterproof, I might add bubbles or grocery bags if sending audio books for more cushoning. 


epicthebookworm avatar
Date Posted: 1/26/2010 4:38 PM ET
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I try to reuse all bubblewrap envelopes. I actually have two PBS requests that I sent out in recycled bubblewrap envelopes. Had to cut them down and wrap the books. I figure it helps to save the environment. I shipped two books to two different places by wrapping them both in the opposite halves of the envelope. Now that's going green. One envelope for two different states.

veranaz22 avatar
Date Posted: 10/18/2010 7:32 PM ET
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Is there somewhere here in the forum where I could offer my excess mailing envelopes (used) for credit? I have way more envelopes than I do the inventory!!

slothmold avatar
Date Posted: 10/19/2010 12:44 PM ET
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Yes! I've started a box full of packing supplies and bubble mailers that I've been receiving from various sources. It's nice to have some variety of packing choices.

I've also found that crumpled up plastic shopping bags make great fillers when a box is just too big. Does that seem ridiculously annoying for the recipient, or just practical?

etjada avatar
Date Posted: 10/21/2010 7:40 PM ET
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Yes definitely, I reuse mailing enevelopes of any kind. Plus, I have a literally limitless supply of used envelopes from the ILL department at the library at my graduate school. I am always amazed how much of the shippingmaterial they receive they throw out and then use brandnew envelops to send out books. Well, I do my part to keep whatever I can out of the trash. Just wish I'd be swapping more books :-)

I also reuse whatever packing peanuts or other stuffing material I might get. And plastic bags from the gorcery store, as mentioned before, make a good protective stuffing when needed. I have even at times used the wrapper from a roll of toilet paper to wrap a paperback before putting it in an enevlop or wrapping it with brown paper. Just hoping that nobody really looks at the wrapping, but hey, the toilet roll wrapping paper is brandspanking clean and very light weight.

gingerkitty avatar
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Date Posted: 10/23/2010 11:48 PM ET
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Vera, no, you can't offer anything but books for credit on PBS.

And, no, I don't reuse bubble envelopes.  I usually get them all taped up and beat to heck and lucky my book's still inside the darned thing.  Please, throw them out when they get that used!

WannaRose avatar
Date Posted: 12/17/2010 8:14 PM ET
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My personal goal is to either reuse a bubble wrap bag or reuse scrap paper to wrap the books I mail out. I haven't gotten a cereal box wrapping yet and now I want to just to see what it looks like! LOL

mblisa avatar
Date Posted: 12/17/2010 9:34 PM ET
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Ive used a Cereal box to wrap books in the past ..and even Cracker boxes ( like Ritz Crackers ) these boxes are very sturdy.  =)

Im a Boxer Member, and try to save and recycle packaging material as much as I can.

HausMaus avatar
Date Posted: 12/18/2010 2:03 PM ET
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Bubble mailers which are hopeless for reusing go to Mom's church.  They do a lot of distribution of stuff, and I figure the mailers can be used to cushion things.  Otherwise, I reuse as much as I can for mailing!  Subway's bags are great for books, BTW!

starvinArtist avatar
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Date Posted: 12/19/2010 3:34 AM ET
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The wax coated bags they use for dill pickles is the perfect size for a mmpb.

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Subject: I too am converting to green thx to PBS
Date Posted: 7/7/2011 3:29 PM ET
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Although my family believes I need a 12 step program for my PBS addiction, it has converted me to green options.I live in eco -nazi NH & am glared at without a lg amount of recycling when at the dump.We have it organize into recycling, the swap shop that my 7 yr old calls the yard sale- items available for reuse repurpose& the trash.I save bubble mailers from my own mail & others for paperbacks, use all my cereal,cracker,etc boxes for books, stuff cereal boxes full with ripped plastic packaging that pbs comes in,add to my bookshelf great looking postable books from the swap shop,wrap it all in the paper bags I request at the grocery exclusively so I don't have to find brown kraft wrap anywhere.Look what you have done pbs converting me to recycling!Now I am ordering organizing books, green or simplifying tools to have less to clean or store.
