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Topic: The Repubilcian Slagheap

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Subject: The Repubilcian Slagheap
Date Posted: 6/12/2015 8:27 AM ET
Member Since: 4/19/2008
Posts: 5,903
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In fourth grade I was challenged to a race
By Grace Adams
Even my forming brain knew this was a no-win
Win and you beat a girl - big whoop
Lose and the scuffing follows you to the podium

The sorry seekers of silly season
Have a similar scenario
Dame Hillary has challenged them to a footrace
The prize is worth kissing asses and shaking babies
Well heeled asses and trust fund babies

Press releases, town meeting, signs dressed
In Crimson, White and Indigo
Promises of change, as genuine as a hookers smile
Warholist surrealism, a parallel universe
With Norman Rockwell paintings hung
At Hunter Thompson's Owl Farm
Transgender Barbie and Ken dressed as clowns
At the Senior Prom
Your third grade teacher in a bloodied
White wedding dress carrying a dead baby

At for what? $100 million spent
Four more years
And the only thing that changes
The one truth
Is you will be beaten by a girl