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Topic: Return to Virgin River

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Cosmina avatar
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Subject: Return to Virgin River
Date Posted: 11/29/2020 5:13 PM ET
Member Since: 6/21/2008
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I am wondering if anyone has read this yet and could give some thoughts on it.  Loved the series.  Is it woth buying full price?

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Date Posted: 12/1/2020 10:45 AM ET
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I'm on the waiting list at the library. I'll report back once my turn comes up. I'm #8 and there are 12 copies so......sometime in the next 3 to 4 weeks. Probably closer to 4 weeks since each book has to be in quarantine for 4 to 5 days before it can go to the next person.

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Date Posted: 12/19/2020 7:11 PM ET
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Hi Pamela....

    My turn at the library came for Return to Virgin River this week.  I've already read the book.  You wanted to know would it be worth paying full price for a hardback. Personally, no book is worth the Hardback prices. Well...42/43 years ago I did buy Anne McCaffrey's White Dragon at HB full price because I just couldn't wait a year for it to come out in paperback. But other than that, no.

   I have mixed emotions about this book. First, I have read all the books and quite a few of them are keepers. However, my feeling about the series is that the first 8 or so were very good. THen they started to be a mix of good and some (to me) meh ones.  This book is indeed in the Virgin River world. It does stay true to what happens in the books (not the TV series).  However, it seemed to drag a bit and there were way too many disjointed sentences, angst and descriptions of non-essentials. It felt like the book plodded along going nowhere for the longest time.

   After trying to describe whether it was worth the money as a full price hardback, I decided to read the Amazon reviews.  Yep...all the 1 and 2  and 3 star reviews definitely were saying the same things I was thinking and trying to say. So it isn't just me feeling it was a so so meh, quite whiny book. I recommend reading those reviews because some of them go into great detail.


kcsue avatar
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Date Posted: 3/1/2021 1:44 PM ET
Member Since: 4/22/2006
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Very disappointing.  I'll have to agree with Vicki's comments above.