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Topic: reusing paper to print

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Subject: reusing paper to print
Date Posted: 1/22/2012 7:59 PM ET
Member Since: 2/19/2009
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Hi, does anyone reuse printer paper? I try but it seems to lead to more paper jams. Any suggestions?

tkhooper avatar
Date Posted: 1/24/2012 10:04 AM ET
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The rough edge of the paper needs to go toward the rollers in the printer. 

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Date Posted: 6/5/2017 8:13 PM ET
Member Since: 12/4/2008
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Not ever in the machine. Increases the risk of damage. Paper is cheap, printer is not. Best to just use the paper for scratch.

Last Edited on: 6/5/17 8:14 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 6/20/2017 7:47 PM ET
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Paper is too cheap to wreck your printer over it (and yes you can). Just set it aside for scrap and use a fresh piece. Some printers are better designed to do the double sided copy, but they tend to be at a higher price point.  My brother paid extra to get a decent Canon printer that does both sides nicely. It was a feature he wanted but has only used about 12 times since he bought the printer 2 years ago so a waste IMHO.

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Date Posted: 9/30/2017 8:15 PM ET
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The older style inkjet printers were fairly fine for reusing paper (as long as NO wrinkles or bending or folds)--where the paper was open in a tray below and you see it sucked in and start to come out the top.    That's a simple paper path.

Ones that have fancier paper paths (anything with a paper tray that slides in, lasers, etc) are a lot more likely to jam.  They are just more touchy and I can't recommend trying it.  If you are going to do it--use the manual feed tray.  Unfortunately, that's less durable than the slide-in-paper tray, so it'll wear out faster.

whitegardenia avatar
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Date Posted: 6/18/2018 7:05 PM ET
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Just found this forum.  Hope you all don't jinx me.  I have reused paper forever.  I always make sure the edge going in is perfect.  No folds, no bunches nothing wrong.  I have had jams using new paper out of a new pack.  It's how one removes the jam that matters (my opinion).

I have a nice Canon.  Quit my HP.  Too many ink carts.

hardtack avatar
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Date Posted: 5/31/2019 10:28 PM ET
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I use the back, blank side of paper all the time in my HP Laserjet P1102w. Even use junk snail-mail with ad sheets printed on only one side. The only time I've ever had a problem with a printer jamming is when I stupidly add a bunch of paper to the tray and overlook two sheets stapled together.