This is a great reference guide to start a beginning lover of anime (and to some extent, manga). The author goes through a brief history of anime and uses several classic examples of the genre. She then discusses the symbolism, literature and historical references, and general plot points that a Western watcher is probably not familiar with. For example, many times in anime a character will be wearing a Catholic priest's robes or collar, or a dramatic fight will take place in a church or cathedral. This, however, does not necessarily reflect on the characters being spiritual or Christian. Instead, it is often used to indicate the occult or supernatural and sinister.
I loved reading this book, and still use it when looking for a specific reference or when I watch a show that she specifically mentioned. It is very readable with clear, interesting chapters.
I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in the genre. The one problem with it, however, is that it quickly became dated. There is no mention, for example, of Cowboy Bebop. This really only matters if you are looking for a particular reference. The explanation of symbols and other references stay current.
I loved reading this book, and still use it when looking for a specific reference or when I watch a show that she specifically mentioned. It is very readable with clear, interesting chapters.
I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in the genre. The one problem with it, however, is that it quickly became dated. There is no mention, for example, of Cowboy Bebop. This really only matters if you are looking for a particular reference. The explanation of symbols and other references stay current.